Words That Start With B

800 Words That Start With B: Scrabble Positive and More

Words That Start With B: Welcome to the fascinating world of words that start with the letter “B”! We will be diving into this particular letter’s offerings from basic to bewitching, these words span a wide spectrum of meanings and uses. Join us on this lexical journey!

Positive Words that Start with B

1. Babbling: Making continuous, incoherent sounds or talking rapidly and continuously, often in a nonsensical or babyish manner.

2. Babe: A term often used informally to refer to a baby or a very young child.

3. Baboon: A type of large, terrestrial monkey known for its distinctive appearance, including a dog-like snout and a large, colorful rear end.

4. Baboonish: Adjective form of “baboon,” used to describe something that resembles or is characteristic of baboons.

5. Baby: A very young child, typically from birth to toddler age.

6. Babyish: Having characteristics or behaviors typical of a baby, often used to describe someone who acts immature.

7. Baccate: Describing something that is berry-like or related to berries.

8. Bachelor: A man who has never been married, or a person who has achieved a bachelor’s degree from a university.

9. Back: The rear part of something or someone, or a direction opposite to the front.

10. Backbone: The series of bones (vertebrae) that make up the spine, providing support and protection for the spinal cord.

11. Backbreaking: Extremely physically demanding and exhausting, often used to describe laborious or strenuous work.

12. Background: The part of a scene or picture that is behind the main subject, often setting the context or environment.

13. Backhand: A tennis stroke or a strike delivered with the back of the hand facing in the direction of the shot.

14. Backward: Directed or facing in the opposite direction, or characterized by slow progress or a lack of development.

15. Bad: Of poor quality or not good, often used to describe something that is unpleasant or harmful.

16. Badass: Informal slang term used to describe someone who is tough, rebellious, or fearless.

17. Baffled: Confused or puzzled by something, unable to understand or explain it.

18. Baffling: Perplexing or confusing, making it difficult to comprehend or solve.

19. Bag: A flexible container typically made of fabric, paper, or plastic used to hold and carry items.

20. Baggy: Loose-fitting and sagging, often used to describe clothing that is too large for the wearer.

21. Bail: To release a person from custody in exchange for a promise to appear in court or meet certain conditions.

22. Bake: To cook food by using dry heat, typically in an oven.

23. Baked: Describes food that has been cooked by baking.

24. Balance: The state of equilibrium or stability, often used to describe a harmonious distribution of weight or elements.

25. Balanced: In a state of equilibrium or having equal proportions of different elements.

26. Bald: Having little or no hair on the scalp.

27. Baldheaded: Having a bald head, is often used to describe a person’s appearance.

28. Balding: Undergoing hair loss, typically referring to a receding hairline or thinning hair.

29. Baled: Past tense of “bale,” which means to bundle something into a compact package, often used for hay or straw.

30. Baleful: Threatening harm or evil, often used to describe a malevolent or ominous presence.

31. Ball: A round object, often used in various sports and games.

32. Ballistic: Related to the science of the motion of projectiles or objects in flight.

33. Balloon: A lightweight inflatable object often filled with air or gas and used for decoration or transportation.

35. Ban: To prohibit or forbid something, often by official decree or law.

36. Banal: Lacking originality or freshness, often used to describe something that is ordinary or commonplace.

37. Band: A strip or piece of material used for various purposes, such as tying, fastening, or decorating.

38. Bandaged: Covered with a bandage, often used to describe a wound or injury that has been dressed.

39. Banded: Marked or adorned with bands or stripes.

40. Baneful: Harmful or destructive, often used to describe something that has a negative impact.

41. Bang: A sudden and loud noise, often produced by an explosion or collision.

42. Banging: Making a loud noise, often associated with heavy or forceful impacts.

43. Bank: A financial institution where people can deposit and withdraw money, among other services.

44. Banned: Prohibited or not allowed, often as a result of official rules or regulations.

45. Banter: Light-hearted and playful conversation or teasing between people.

46. Baptize: To initiate someone into a religious faith through the ritual of baptism.

47. Bar: A place where alcoholic beverages are served, or a barrier that prevents access.

48. Barbarian: A person considered uncivilized or outside the bounds of a particular culture or society.

49. Barbed: Having sharp points or projections, often used to describe something that can cause injury.

50. Bare: Without covering or clothing, often used to describe something that is exposed or naked.

51. Bared: Past tense of “bare,” which means to uncover or reveal something that was concealed.

52. Barefaced: Shamelessly bold or audacious, often used to describe someone who acts without shame.

53. Barefoot: Without shoes or footwear, often used to describe someone who is walking or running without shoes.

54. Barfing: Informal slang term for vomiting or throwing up.

55. Bargain: An agreement or deal, often involving the exchange of goods or services at a favorable price.

56. Bark: The sound made by a dog or some other animals, or the protective covering of a tree.

57. Barometric: Relating to or affected by atmospheric pressure, often used in weather forecasting.

58. Baronial: Relating to a baron or characterized by grandeur and nobility, often used to describe impressive estates or buildings.

59. Barred: Blocked or closed off, often used to describe something with bars or obstacles.

60. Barreled: Past tense of “barrel,” which means to put something in a barrel or container.

61. Barren: Lacking vegetation or unable to produce offspring, often used to describe land or regions with poor fertility.

62. Barricade: A barrier or obstacle erected to block or impede the passage of people or vehicles.

63. Barter: The exchange of goods or services without using money, often through direct trade.

64. Base: The lowest part or foundation of something, or morally low or dishonest.

65. Based: Grounded on or derived from a particular source or principle.

66. Baseless: Without a basis or foundation, often used to describe claims or accusations lacking evidence.

67. Bash: To strike forcefully or with great impact, often used informally to describe a lively party or gathering.

68. Bashful: Shy or timid, often in social situations.

69. Basic: Fundamental or essential, often used to describe something that is simple or elementary.

70. Bask: To enjoy warmth or exposure to the sun, often used to describe an animal lying in the sun.

71. Bastard: An offensive term used historically to describe a child born out of wedlock, but sometimes used informally to refer to a person.

72. Bathe: To wash or clean the body, often by immersing it in water.

73. Batter: To beat repeatedly or to mix ingredients vigorously, often used in cooking.

74. Battery: A device that stores and provides electrical energy, or a group of artillery guns.

75. Battle: A violent confrontation or conflict between opposing forces.

76. Batty: Informal slang term for eccentric or crazy.

77. Bawl: To cry or wail loudly and uncontrollably.

78. Bawling: The act of crying loudly and uncontrollably.

79. Be: The second person singular and plural form of the verb “to be,” is used to indicate existence, identity, or a state of being.

80. Beach: A shore or area of land along the edge of a body of water, typically covered in sand or pebbles.

81. Beacon: A signaling device, often a light or a fire, used to guide or warn travelers.

82. Beaming: Radiating happiness, joy, or brightness, often used to describe a person’s expression or a smile.

83. Bean: The edible seed of various plants, often used in cooking.

84. Bear: A large, carnivorous mammal known for its strength and typically having a heavy build.

85. Beard: Facial hair that grows on the lower part of a man’s face, often on the chin and cheeks.

86. Bearded: Having a beard, is often used to describe a person’s appearance.

87. Bearer: A person or thing that carries or transports something, or someone who holds a position or responsibility.

88. Bearing: The manner in which a person conducts themselves or the direction in which something is moving or positioned.

89. Bearn: A region in southwestern France.

90. Bears: The plural form of “bear,” referring to multiple individual bears.

91. Bearskin: A type of fur or hide from a bear, often used to make clothing or rugs.

92. Beast: An animal, especially a large or dangerous one, often used to describe creatures in a mythological or metaphorical context.

93. Beastly: Behaving in a manner characteristic of a beast, often used to describe cruel or unpleasant behavior.

94. Beat: To strike or hit repeatedly, often in a rhythmic manner, or to overcome an opponent.

95. Beaten: Past participle of “beat,” indicating that something has been struck or overcome.

96. Beatific: Blissfully happy or blessed, often used to describe a radiant expression.

97. Beatrice: A female given name of Latin origin.

98. Beau: A term used to refer to a boyfriend or male admirer, often used in a formal or romantic context.

99. Beaumont: A city in Texas, USA, or a surname.

100. Beauties: The plural form of “beauty,” referring to multiple beautiful things or people.

101. Beautiful: Pleasing to the eye or senses, possessing qualities that evoke admiration or delight.

102. Babble: To talk rapidly and incoherently, often in a playful or excited manner. It can also refer to the sound of water flowing gently, as in a babbling brook.

103. Babyhood: The period of infancy or early childhood, typically from birth to toddlerhood, when a person is a baby.

104. Babysitter: A person who cares for and supervises children, especially when parents are not present. Babysitters are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the children in their care.

105. Baccalaureate: An academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon the completion of an undergraduate program of study. It is often referred to as a bachelor’s degree.

106. Bachelor’s Degree: An academic degree awarded by colleges and universities after the successful completion of an undergraduate program of study. It is typically the first level of post-secondary education and is earned by completing a specified number of courses in a particular field of study.

107. Backpack: A type of bag with shoulder straps that is worn on the back, commonly used for carrying books, supplies, and personal belongings.

108. Backtrack: To retrace one’s steps or go back along a path or route that one has previously traveled.

109. Backup: A copy of data or information that is created and stored as a safeguard against data loss or system failure. It can also refer to a person or thing that provides support or assistance.

110. Backyard: The area of land behind or adjoining a house or other building, typically used for outdoor activities or gardening.


Noun Words That Start With B

111. Bacteria: Microscopic single-celled organisms that can be found in various environments and can have both beneficial and harmful effects. Some bacteria are responsible for causing diseases, while others play essential roles in processes like digestion and nutrient cycling.

112. Badger: A small to medium-sized mammal known for its distinctive black and white facial markings. Badgers are known for their burrowing habits and are found in various parts of the world.

113. Badge: A small emblem or symbol, often worn on clothing, that signifies membership, achievement, or affiliation with a particular group, organization, or rank.

114. Badminton: A racket sport played by two or four players who take turns hitting a shuttlecock over a net with the aim of landing it in the opposing side’s court.

115. Bagel: A type of bread product that is typically ring-shaped and boiled before baking. Bagels are commonly served sliced and toasted with various toppings.

116. Baggage: Personal belongings or luggage that a person carries while traveling.

117. Bagpipe: A musical instrument consisting of a bag, a chanter (melody pipe), and one or more drones (additional pipes that produce a continuous note). Bagpipes are often associated with traditional Scottish music.

118. Bait: Food or other substances used to attract and lure animals or fish, often used in hunting or fishing.

119. Bakehouse: A place where baking is done, such as a bakery or a kitchen where bread, pastries, and other baked goods are prepared.

120. Balcony: A platform or extension of a building with a railing or barrier, typically located on an upper floor, that provides an outdoor space for relaxation or recreation.

121. Bald Eagle: A large bird of prey native to North America and known for its distinctive white head and tail feathers. The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States and is protected by law.

122. Balderdash: Nonsense or gibberish, often used to describe something that is absurd or nonsensical.

123. Balloon: A lightweight inflatable object often filled with air or gas, used for decoration, transportation, or scientific experiments.

124. Ballroom: A large room, often in a formal setting, used for dancing and social events.

125. Balsamic Vinegar: A type of vinegar that is dark, sweet, and tangy, often used as a condiment in cooking and salads.

126. Bamboo: A type of woody plant known for its tall, hollow stems (culms). Bamboo is used for various purposes, including construction, furniture, and as a food source.

127. Banana: A tropical fruit with a yellow or green peel and soft, sweet flesh. Bananas are a popular and nutritious snack.

128. Banister: A handrail that is supported by balusters and is typically found along a staircase or balcony, providing support and safety for those using the stairs.

129. Bankruptcy: A legal status in which an individual or organization is unable to pay their debts and seeks relief through a court process. Bankruptcy can result in the discharge of certain debts but may also involve the liquidation of assets to repay creditors.

130. Banner: A large piece of cloth or other material displaying a message, symbol, or advertisement, often used for promotional or decorative purposes.

131. Barbecue: A method of cooking food, often meat, by grilling it over an open flame or hot coals. It can also refer to a social gathering or event centered around outdoor cooking.

132. Barcode: A series of lines or patterns printed on a product or its packaging, which can be scanned electronically to retrieve information about the product, such as its price or inventory details.

133. Barefoot: Without shoes or footwear, often used to describe someone who is walking or running without shoes.

134. Bargain: An agreement or deal, often involving the exchange of goods or services at a favorable price.

135. Bark: The sound made by dogs and some other animals, often used as a form of communication or warning.

136. Barley: A cereal grain commonly used in cooking and brewing, known for its nutty flavor and versatility.

137. Barn: A large, typically rural building used for the storage of crops, equipment, and livestock.

138. Barricade: A barrier or obstacle erected to block or impede the passage of people or vehicles.

139. Barter: The exchange of goods or services without using money, often through direct trade.

140. Baseball: A bat-and-ball game played between two teams, where players take turns batting and fielding, with the goal of scoring runs by hitting a pitched ball and advancing around bases.

141. Basket: A container made of woven materials, such as straw, wicker, or plastic, often used for carrying or storing items.

142. Basketball: A team sport played on a rectangular court, where players aim to score points by throwing a ball through the opposing team’s hoop.

143. Bassoon: A musical instrument belonging to the woodwind family, known for its deep and resonant tones.

144. Baste: To moisten food, typically meat, with liquid (such as melted butter or pan juices) during cooking to keep it moist and add flavor.

145. Bat: A flying mammal with webbed wings, often associated with the night and known for its ability to echolocate.

146. Batch: A quantity of something produced or prepared at the same time, often in a single process or cycle.

147. Bathroom: A room equipped with fixtures and facilities for personal hygiene, including a toilet and a sink.

148. Bathtub: A large container, often made of porcelain or acrylic, used for bathing or showering.

149. Batman: A fictional superhero character created by DC Comics, known for his alter ego, Bruce Wayne, and his crime-fighting adventures in Gotham City.

150. Battalion: A large military unit composed of several companies and typically led by a lieutenant colonel.

151. Battery: A device that stores and provides electrical energy, often used to power electronic devices.

152. Battlefield: The location where a military conflict or battle takes place, often marked by intense fighting and strategic maneuvers.

153. Bay: A body of water partially enclosed by land, often with a wide opening to the sea.

154. Bazaar: A market or street where goods are sold, often in a bustling and colorful setting.

155. Beacon: A signaling device, often a light or a fire, used to guide or warn travelers.

156. Bead: A small, often spherical object with a hole through it, used in jewelry making or as a decorative element.

157. Beaded: Decorated with beads or having a bead-like texture.

158. Beak: The hard, pointed structure at the front of a bird’s mouth, used for grasping and eating food.

159. Beaker: A cylindrical container with a flat bottom, often used in laboratories for measuring and mixing liquids.

160. Beam: A long, sturdy piece of wood, metal, or other material that is used as a support or a structural element.

161. Bean: The edible seed of various plants, often used in cooking.

162. Beanbag: A soft, cushion-like bag filled with beans or similar material, often used as a comfortable seat or cushion.

163. Bear: A large, carnivorous mammal known for its strength and typically having a heavy build.

164. Bearable: Capable of being endured or tolerated without excessive difficulty or discomfort.

165. Beard: Facial hair that grows on the lower part of a man’s face, often on the chin and cheeks.

166. Bearded: Having a beard, often used to describe a person’s appearance.

167. Bearer: A person or thing that carries or transports something, or someone who holds a position or responsibility.

168. Bearing: The manner in which a person conducts themselves or the direction in which something is moving or positioned.

169. Beauty: The quality of being pleasing to the senses, especially visually, or an outstanding feature that enhances the attractiveness of something or someone.

170. Beaver: A large, aquatic rodent known for building dams and lodges. Beavers have thick fur and a flat, scaly tail.

171. Became: Past tense of the verb “become,” indicating a change in state, condition, or identity.

172. Because: A conjunction used to introduce a reason or cause for something.

173. Become: To undergo a transformation or change, often to take on a new state, quality, or role.

174. Becomes: The third-person singular form of the verb “become,” used in the present tense.

175. Becoming: Suitable, attractive, or appropriate in appearance or behavior.

176. Bed: A piece of furniture designed for sleeping or resting.

177. Bedded: Past tense of the verb “bed,” often used to describe something that has been placed or arranged in a bed-like structure.

178. Bedding: The materials used to make a bed, such as sheets, blankets, and pillows.

179. Bedford: A town in England or a surname.

180. Bedraggled: Disheveled, dirty, or wet, often used to describe a person’s appearance.

181. Bedroom: A room designed for sleeping and often containing a bed.

182. Bedside: The area next to a bed, often where items like nightstands or lamps are placed for convenience.

183. Bedstead: The framework or structure that supports a bed.

184. Bedtime: The time at which a person typically goes to bed to sleep.

185. Bee: A flying insect known for collecting nectar from flowers and producing honey.

186. Beebe: A surname.

187. Beech: A type of tree known for its smooth, gray bark and serrated leaves.

188. Beef: The meat of cattle, often used in cooking.

189. Beefsteak: A thick, juicy cut of beef, often used for grilling or frying.

190. Beefy: Having a muscular or robust build, often used to describe a person’s appearance.

191. Beehive: A structure or container where bees are kept, often for the production of honey.

192. Been: The past participle of the verb “be,” indicating existence or a state of being in the past.

193. Beer: A alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, typically barley, and flavored with hops.

194. Bees: The plural form of “bee,” referring to multiple individual bees.

195. Beet: A vegetable with a bulbous root, often used in cooking.

196. Beethoven: Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous composer and pianist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

197. Beetle: An insect with a hard shell-like covering over its wings, often known for its diverse species and behaviors.

198. Beetling: The act of projecting or overhanging, often used in the context of cliffs or brows of hills.

199. Befit: To be appropriate or suitable for a particular situation or purpose.

200. Befitting: Appropriate or suitable in a particular context.

201. Before: In advance of or earlier than a particular time or event.

202. Befouled: Made dirty or polluted, often through contamination or pollution.

203. Befriend: To become a friend to someone or to establish a friendly relationship with them.

204. Befuddled: Confused or bewildered, often due to a lack of understanding or clarity.

205. Beg: To request something, often in a polite or earnest manner.

206. Began: Past tense of the verb “begin,” indicating the starting point of an action or process.

207. Begging: The act of making a request, often for assistance or charity.

208. Begin: To start or commence an action, process, or activity.

209. Beginner: A person who is new to a particular skill, activity, or field of study.

210. Beginning: The starting point or initial stage of something.

211. Beguile: To charm or enchant someone, often through deceit or trickery.

212. Beguiled: Past tense of “beguile,” indicating that someone has been charmed or deceived.

213. Beguiling: Captivating or alluring in a deceptive manner.

214. Behalf: In the interest or for the benefit of someone or something.

Adjective Words That Start With B

215. Behave: To conduct oneself in a particular manner, often in accordance with social norms or rules.

216. Behaved: Past tense of “behave,” indicating how someone conducted themselves in the past.

217. Behaving: The present participle form of “behave,” indicating the ongoing conduct of someone.

218. Behavior: The way in which a person or animal acts or conducts themselves.

219. Behavioral: Relating to behavior, often used to describe patterns of conduct or psychological traits.

220. Beheld: Past tense of “behold,” meaning to have seen or observed something.

221. Behind: At or to the rear of something or someone.

222. Behold: To see or observe something, often with a sense of wonder or amazement.

223. Beholden: Feeling indebted or obligated to someone.

224. Beholder: A person who observes or looks at something, often with a sense of wonder or fascination.

225. Beholding: The act of seeing or observing.

226. Behoof: Benefit or advantage, often used in an archaic or poetic context.

227. Behooved: Past tense of “behoove,” meaning to be necessary or appropriate.

228. Behooves: The third-person singular form of “behoove,” is used in the present tense.

229. Beige: A pale, light brown, or tan color.

230. Being: Existing as a living organism or entity.

231. Belated: Occurring later than expected or usual, often used to describe something that is overdue.

232. Belched: Past tense of “belch,” meaning to expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth.

233. Belcher: A person or thing that belches or emits gas noisily.

234. Belching: The act of expelling gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth.

235. Belden: A surname.

236. Belfast: The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland.

237. Belford: A place name or surname.

238. Belgium: A country in Western Europe known for its historic cities, including Brussels and Antwerp.

239. Belgrave: A place name or surname.

240. Belial: A term often used to refer to a demon or evil spirit in religious or mythological contexts.

241. Belie: To give a false impression of something, often by contradicting the truth or misrepresenting it.

242. Belied: Past tense of “belie,” indicating that something has been misrepresented or contradicted.

243. Belief: A mental attitude or conviction that something is true or real, often without concrete proof.

244. Believable: Capable of being believed or accepted as true.

245. Believe: To accept something as true or to have faith or confidence in something.

246. Believed: Past tense of “believe,” indicating acceptance of something as true in the past.

247. Believer: A person who has faith or confidence in a particular belief or ideology.

248. Believes: The third-person singular form of “believe,” used in the present tense.

249. Believeth: An archaic or poetic form of “believes,” often used in religious or formal contexts.

250. Believing: The act of accepting something as true or having faith in it.

251. Belike: Likely or probably, often used in older or poetic language.

252. Belittle: To diminish or make someone or something appear less important or valuable.

253. Bell: A hollow, typically metal, instrument that produces a ringing sound when struck.

254. Bella: A female given name, often used as a diminutive form of names like Isabella or Arabella.

255. Bellamy: A surname or a reference to a person with that name.

256. Belle: A French word meaning “beautiful,” often used to describe an attractive woman.

257. Belles: The plural form of “belle,” referring to multiple attractive women.

258. Bellew: A surname.

259. Belli: A Latin word meaning “wars” or “battles.”

260. Bellicose: Inclined to or eager for war or conflict, often used to describe an aggressive attitude.

261. Bellies: The plural form of “belly,” referring to the abdominal area of the body.

262. Belligerent: Hostile, aggressive, or engaged in war or conflict.

263. Bellingham: A place name or surname.

264. Bellini: A reference to the Italian Renaissance painter Giovanni Bellini or a cocktail made with champagne and peach purée.

265. Bello: A Spanish word meaning “beautiful” or “handsome.”

266. Bellona: In Roman mythology, the goddess of war.

267. Bellow: To emit a loud, deep sound, often associated with a roar or shout.

268. Bellowed: Past tense of “bellow,” indicating that someone or something emitted a loud, deep sound.

269. Bellowing: The act of emitting a loud, deep sound, often with force or intensity.

270. Bellows: A device for producing a strong current of air, often used in blacksmithing or as part of a musical instrument like an accordion.

271. Bells: The plural form of “bell,” typically referring to multiple hollow, typically metal, instruments that produce a ringing sound when struck.

272. Bellum: Latin for “war” or “conflict.”

273. Belly: The abdominal area of the body, often used to describe the stomach or the front part of the torso.

274. Belmont: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

275. Belong: To be the property or possession of someone, or to be a part of something.

276. Belonged: Past tense of “belong,” indicating that something was the property or possession of someone or was a part of something in the past.

277. Belonging: The state of being a part of something or feeling connected to a group or place.

278. Beloved: Loved and cherished deeply, often used to refer to a person who is dearly loved.

279. Below: In or to a lower place or position.

280. Belt: A flexible band or strap, often made of leather or fabric, worn around the waist or used for securing objects.

281. Beltane: A Celtic festival marking the beginning of summer, often celebrated with bonfires and festivities.

282. Belted: Wearing a belt or secured with a belt.

283. Belton: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

284. Belts: The plural form of “belt,” referring to multiple belts.

285. Bemis: A surname.

286. Bemoan: To express sorrow, grief, or regret about something.

287. Bemoaned: Past tense of “bemoan,” indicating that someone expressed sorrow or regret in the past.

288. Bemused: Puzzled, confused, or lost in thought, often used to describe a state of mild bewilderment.

289. Ben: A male given name, often a short form of names like Benjamin or Benedict.

290. Bench: A long seat with a backrest, often found in public places or used for seating in a specific area.

291. Benches: The plural form of “bench,” referring to multiple benches.

292. Bend: To curve or flex something, often by applying pressure.

293. Bended: Past tense of “bend,” indicating that something was curved or flexed in the past.

294. Bender: A person who drinks excessively or a device for bending or shaping materials.

295. Bending: The act of curving or flexing something.

296. Bends: The plural form of “bend,” is often used to refer to a condition known as “the bends,” which can affect divers who ascend too quickly from deep water.

297. Bene: Latin for “well” or “good.”

298. Beneath: In a lower position or place, often used to indicate something is under or beneath another.

299. Benedict: A male given name of Latin origin, often associated with Saint Benedict.

300. Benefactor: A person who provides financial or other support to a person, organization, or cause.

301. Benefice: In ecclesiastical terms, a church office or position that comes with a benefice, often providing a stipend or income to the holder.

302. Beneficial: Providing advantages or benefits, often used to describe something that is advantageous or helpful.

303. Beneficially: In a way that is advantageous or helpful.

304. Beneficiary: A person or entity that receives benefits, often in the context of inheritance or insurance.

305. Benefit: An advantage or positive result gained from something.

306. Benefits: The plural form of “benefit,” refers to multiple advantages or positive results.

307. Benet: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

308. Benevolent: Kind, generous, and motivated by a desire to do good.

309. Benicia: A city in California, USA, or a reference to locations with that name.

310. Benighted: In a state of darkness, ignorance, or lack of knowledge.

311. Benign: Gentle, kind, or harmless, often used to describe a medical condition or growth that is not cancerous.

312. Benignant: Kind and gracious in nature.

313. Benignity: Kindness or a gentle disposition.

314. Benin: A country in West Africa.

315. Benita: A female given name.

316. Benito: A male given name, often associated with Benito Mussolini, an Italian political leader.

317. Benjy: A diminutive form of the name Benjamin.

318. Bennet: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

319. Benny: A diminutive form of names like Benjamin or Benedict.

320. Benoit: A French male given name.

321. Benoni: A male given name.

322. Benson: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

323. Bent: Not straight or curved, often used to describe something that is bent out of shape.

324. Bentham: A reference to Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher and jurist.

325. Bentley: A luxury automobile brand or a reference to people with that name.

326. Benton: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

327. Benumbed: Made numb or lacking sensation, often due to cold or shock.

328. Benzene: A chemical compound commonly used as a solvent or as a starting material for various chemical processes.

329. Bequest: A gift or legacy left to someone in a will.

330. Beranger: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

331. Berber: An ethnic group indigenous to North Africa, often associated with a distinctive culture and language.

332. Bereaved: Past tense of “bereave,” meaning to be deprived of a loved one through a profound loss, usually by death.

333. Berg: A German word meaning “mountain” or a reference to locations with that name.

334. Bergamo: A city in Lombardy, Italy, or a reference to locations with that name.

335. Berge: A German word meaning “mountains.”

336. Bering: A reference to the Bering Sea or the Bering Strait, named after the explorer Vitus Bering.

337. Berkley: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

338. Berks: A colloquial term referring to the English county of Berkshire.

339. Berlin: The capital city of Germany or a reference to locations with that name.

340. Berliner: A term used to describe a style of doughnut or a resident of Berlin.

341. Berm: A flat strip of land, often grassy, separating two areas, such as a road and a sidewalk.

342. Bermuda: A British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean or a reference to locations with that name.

343. Bern: The capital city of Switzerland or a reference to locations with that name.

344. Bernal: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

345. Bernard: A male given name of French and German origin, often meaning “brave” or “hardy.”

346. Bernardo: A male-given name, often a variant of Bernard.

347. Bernice: A female given name of Greek origin.

348. Bernick: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

349. Bernier: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

350. Berri: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

351. Berry: A small, typically round fruit, often edible and found on various types of plants.

352. Berserk: In a state of violent or uncontrolled rage or frenzy.

353. Bert: A diminutive form of names like Robert or Albert.

354. Berthe: A female given name.

355. Bertie: A diminutive form of names like Bertram or Albert.

356. Beseeching: Pleading or begging earnestly.

357. Beside: Next to or by the side of something or someone.

358. Bespectacled: Wearing eyeglasses.

359. Bespoke: Custom-made or tailored for a specific individual or purpose.

360. Best: Of the highest quality or excellence.

361. Bestiality: Engaging in sexual acts with animals, is often considered a crime and morally unacceptable.

362. Bestrode: Past tense of “bestride,” meaning to sit or stand with a leg on either side of something.

363. Bet: To wager or risk something, typically money, on the outcome of an event or situation.

364. Beta: The second letter of the Greek alphabet, often used to refer to a test or development phase of software.

365. Betake: To go or move to a particular place or position.

366. Betaken: Past participle of “betake,” indicating that someone has gone or moved to a particular place or position.

367. Beth: A female-given name or a reference to locations with that name.

368. Betoken: To be a sign or indication of something.

369. Betook: Past tense of “betake,” indicating that someone went or moved to a particular place or position.

370. Betray: To act disloyally or treacherously toward someone’s trust or confidence.

371. Betrayal: The act of betraying someone’s trust or confidence.

372. Betrayed: Past tense of “betray,” indicating that someone acted disloyally or treacherously in the past.

373. Betrayer: A person who betrays someone’s trust or confidence.

374. Bets: The plural form of “bet,” referring to multiple wagers or risks.

375. Better: Of superior quality or more advantageous.

376. Betterment: The act or process of improving or making something better.

377. Betting: The act of placing wagers or bets, often associated with gambling.

378. Betty: A female given name, often a diminutive form of Elizabeth.

379. Between: In the space or time that separates two points or events.

380. Bevel: An angle that is not a right angle, often used to describe the slant or slope of an edge or surface.

381. Beverage: A drink, often referring to non-alcoholic drinks like water, juice, or soda.

382. Beverley: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

383. Beverly: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

384. Bevis: A male-given name or a reference to people with that name.

385. Bevor: A piece of armor designed to protect the lower part of the face and neck.

386. Beware: To be cautious or alert to potential dangers or threats.

387. Bewitch: To cast a spell over someone or to enchant them.

388. Bewitched: Past tense of “bewitch,” indicating that someone was enchanted or placed under a spell in the past.

389. Bewitching: Attracting or enchanting in a captivating or charming way.

390. Bey: A Turkish title of honor, often used for high-ranking officials or leaders.

391. Beyond: On the other side of something or exceeding a particular limit or extent.

Words that Start with Bh, Bi

392. Bhutan: A country in South Asia, known for its stunning landscapes and unique culture.

393. Bias: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

394. Bib: A protective piece of cloth or material worn over the chest and upper body to prevent spills or stains while eating.

395. Bible: The sacred scriptures of Christianity consist of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

396. Bibliographic: Relating to the description and identification of books or other written materials.

397. Bibliography: A list of books or other works referred to in a scholarly work or for reference.

398. Bicameral: Involving two legislative chambers or branches, often referring to a bicameral legislature in a government.

399. Bickering: Engaging in petty and often noisy arguments or disagreements.

400. Bicycle: A human-powered vehicle with two wheels and pedals, typically used for transportation.

401. Bid: An offer or proposal to do something or to purchase something at a specified price.

402. Bidden: Past participle of “bid,” indicating that someone has been invited or requested to do something.

403. Bidder: A person or entity that makes a bid or an offer, especially in an auction or competitive situation.

404. Bidding: The act of making offers or proposals, especially in a competitive context.

405. Biddle: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

406. Bides: Third person singular of “bide,” meaning to wait or remain in a particular state.

407. Bids: The plural form of “bid,” refers to multiple offers or proposals.

408. Bidwell: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

409. Bifurcated: Divided or split into two parts or branches.

410. Big: Large in size, quantity, or magnitude.

Scrabble Words That Start With B

411. Bighearted: Generous and compassionate in nature.

412. Bigoted: Intolerant or prejudiced, especially on the basis of one’s beliefs or opinions.

413. Bike: Informal term for a bicycle.

414. Biker: A person who rides motorcycles or is associated with motorcycle culture.

415. Bikini: A type of two-piece swimsuit typically worn by women.

416. Bild: German for “image” or “picture.”

417. Bilingual: Able to speak and understand two languages fluently.

418. Bill: A statement of charges or fees for goods or services, or a proposed law presented for debate and approval.

419. Billed: Past tense of “bill,” indicating that charges or fees have been presented or invoiced.

420. Billiard: Relating to the cue sport of billiards or pool.

421. Billing: The process of presenting charges or fees for goods or services.

422. Billion: A numerical value equal to one thousand million (1,000,000,000).

423. Billow: A large, rolling mass, often referring to waves or clouds.

424. Bills: The plural form of “bill,” often referring to multiple statements of charges or proposed laws.

425. Bin: A container or receptacle for storing items.

426. Binary: Relating to or using a system of numerical notation that has 2 as its base (e.g., binary code in computing).

427. Bind: To tie or fasten tightly, or to be held or restrained by an obligation or duty.

428. Bingo: A game of chance in which players mark off numbers on a card as they are randomly called out.

429. Bio: Short for “biography” or “biology.”

430. Biographer: A person who writes a biography, a detailed account of someone’s life.

431. Biography: An account of a person’s life, typically written in a narrative form.

432. Biol: An abbreviation for “biology.”

433. Biological: Relating to the study of living organisms and their functions.

434. Biologist: A scientist who studies living organisms and their interactions.

435. Biology: The scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environments.

436. Bios: Plural of “bio,” often used informally to refer to biographies or life stories.

437. Biotechnology: The use of biological processes or living organisms in technological and industrial applications.

438. Bipedal: Having two feet and the ability to walk on them.

439. Bird: A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate with beaks, typically capable of flight.

440. Birdlike: Resembling or characteristic of a bird in some way.

441. Birds: The plural form of “bird,” refers to multiple individual birds.

442. Birth: The act or process of being born, often referring to the emergence of a baby from the womb.

443. Birthday: The anniversary of the day on which a person was born.

444. Birthplace: The location where someone is born.

445. Birthright: A privilege or possession that is considered a person’s natural or inherited right.

446. Biscuit: A small, typically round, baked bread product that is crisp on the outside and soft on the inside.

447. Bishop: A high-ranking clergy member in some Christian denominations, often responsible for overseeing a group of churches.

448. Bishops: The plural form of “bishop,” refers to multiple individuals holding the position.

449. Bit: A small piece or portion, or the smallest unit of data in computing.

450. Bitch: A derogatory term often used to insult or refer to a woman in an offensive way.

451. Bite: To cut, pierce, or grip with the teeth.

452. Bites: The plural form of “bite,” referring to multiple instances of cutting or gripping with the teeth.

453. Bitten: Past participle of “bite,” indicating that someone or something has been bitten.

454. Bitter: Having a sharp, unpleasant taste, or feeling angry, resentful, or disappointed.

455. Biz: Informal abbreviation for “business.”

456. Bizarre: Extremely strange or unusual in an unsettling way.

457. Black: The darkest color, often associated with the absence of light.

458. Blackberry: A type of fruit-bearing shrub or the fruit it produces, often used in various culinary applications.

459. Blackbird: A type of songbird, known for its melodious singing.

460. Blackboard: A smooth, dark surface, typically made of slate or similar material, used for writing or drawing with chalk.

461. Blacked: Past tense of “black,” often used to describe something that has been made black in color or appearance.

462. Blacken: To make something black or darker in color or appearance.

463. Blackest: Superlative form of “black,” indicating the most intense or darkest state.

464. Blackguard: A person who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible manner.

465. Blacks: The plural form of “black,” often referring to multiple individuals of African descent or the color itself.

466. Blacksmith: A person who forges and shapes iron or other metals, often for making tools and equipment.

467. Blackstone: A type of dark, hard, and fine-grained rock, or a reference to people with that name.

468. Bladder: A flexible sac or pouch that can expand and contract, often used to store fluids.

469. Blade: The flat cutting edge of a tool, weapon, or instrument.

470. Blades: The plural form of “blade,” often referring to multiple cutting edges.

471. Blaine: A male-given name or a reference to people with that name.

472. Blair: A male or female given name or a reference to people with that name.

473. Blaise: A male-given name or a reference to people with that name.

474. Blake: A male-given name or a reference to people with that name.

475. Blakeney: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

476. Blamable: Capable of being blamed or held responsible.

477. Blame: To assign responsibility or fault for something, often in a negative context.

478. Blameful: Deserving blame or censure.

479. Blameless: Without fault or guilt; innocent.

480. Blames: The plural form of “blame,” often referring to multiple instances of assigning responsibility.

481. Blameworthy: Deserving blame or censure.

483. 482. Blanche: A female given name or a word meaning “white” or “pale” in French.

484. Blanched: Past tense of “blanch,” meaning to make something pale or white.

485. Bland: Lacking strong flavor, interest, or excitement; mild.

486. Blank: Without any marks, writing, or content; empty.

487. Blasé: Indifferent or unimpressed due to overexposure or excessive familiarity with something.

488. Blasphemous: Showing disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or holy.

489. Blast: A powerful explosion or gust of wind, causes such an explosion.

490. Blasted: Past tense of “blast,” indicating that something was subjected to a powerful explosion or burst of air.

491. Blasting: The act of creating a powerful explosion or burst of air.

492. Blasts: The plural form of “blast,” often referring to multiple instances of powerful explosions or bursts of air.

493. Blatt: A German word meaning “leaf” or “sheet.”

494. Blaze: A bright, visible flame or a trail marked with signs or markings.

495. Blazing: Burning with a bright flame or moving quickly.

496. Blazingly: In an extremely bright or intense manner.

497. Bleach: To whiten or lighten the color of something, often with the use of chemicals.

498. Bleak: Lacking vegetation, cold, and inhospitable, or without much hope or promise.

499. Bleared: Affected by blurred vision or tears, often due to crying.

500. Bleary: Blurred or dimmed, often referring to one’s vision or eyesight.

501. Bleat: The cry or sound made by a sheep or goat.

502. Bleating: The act of making the cry or sound characteristic of sheep or goats.

503. Bled: Past tense of “bleed,” meaning to lose blood, often as a result of injury or a medical condition.

504. Bleed: To lose blood, typically as a result of injury or a medical condition.

505. Bleeding: The act of losing blood, often due to injury or a medical condition.

506. Bleeds: The plural form of “bleed,” refers to multiple instances of blood loss.

507. Blemish: A visible imperfection or flaw, often in the appearance of something.

508. Blend: To mix or combine different substances or elements to create a homogeneous mixture.

509. Bless: To confer divine favor or protection upon someone or something.

510. Blessed: Having received divine favor or protection; fortunate or happy.

511. Blessing: A prayer or act of conferring divine favor or protection

512. Bleu: French for “blue,” often used to describe the color.

513. Blighting: The act of causing harm or damage to something, often referring to plants or crops.

514. Blind: Unable to see, or lacking the ability to perceive visual information.

515. Blinder: Something that obstructs vision, or a device used on a horse’s eyes to limit vision.

516. Blink: To shut and open the eyes quickly, often involuntarily.

517. Blinked: Past tense of “blink,” indicating that someone or something shut and opened the eyes quickly.

518. Blinking: The act of shutting and opening the eyes quickly, or happening very quickly.

519. Bliss: A state of extreme happiness, joy, or contentment.

520. Blissful: Full of or experiencing extreme happiness and contentment.

521. Blister: A small bubble or swelling filled with fluid on the skin, often caused by friction or heat.

522. Blithe: Showing a casual and cheerful indifference; carefree.

523. Blivit: A slang term used to describe a situation or something that is confusing, frustrating, or difficult to deal with.

524. Bloated: Swollen or distended, often due to an accumulation of fluid, gas, or excess.

525. Block: A solid piece of material, often with flat surfaces, used for various purposes, or an obstruction.

526. Blocked: Past tense of “block,” indicating that something was obstructed.

527. Blockhouse: A small, heavily fortified building, often used for defensive purposes.

528. Blocking: The act of obstructing or hindering something.

529. Blog: A regularly updated website or web page that provides information, commentary, or personal experiences.

530. Blonde: A person with fair or light-colored hair.

531. Blood: The red fluid that circulates in the veins and arteries of humans and animals, carrying oxygen and nutrients.

532. Bloodthirsty: Eager for or inclined toward violence or bloodshed.

533. Bloody: Covered or stained with blood, or characterized by bloodshed or violence.

534. Bloom: The process of flowering or the state of being in full flower, often referring to plants.

535. Bloomed: Past tense of “bloom,” indicating that something was in full flower.

536. Bloomfield: A place name or a reference to locations with that name.

537. Blooming: The act of producing flowers or the process of blossoming.

538. Blossoming: The process of developing or becoming successful, often used metaphorically.

539. Blotch: A large, irregular spot or discoloration, often on the skin or a surface.

540. Blount: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

541. Blouse: A loose-fitting garment, typically worn by women, that covers the upper body.

542. Blow: To expel the air forcefully from the mouth or to cause something to move by the force of the air.

543. Blowing: The act of expelling air forcefully or causing something to move with air pressure.

544. Blown: Past participle of “blow,” indicating that something has been moved by the force of air or wind.

545. Blubbery: Resembling or characteristic of blubber, the fat of sea mammals.

546. Blucher: A type of military boot with a side-lacing closure.

547. Blue: A color often associated with the sky and the ocean, or used to describe a feeling of sadness or melancholy.

548. Bluebeard: A fictional character in folktales who is known for his habit of murdering his wives.

549. Bluebell: A type of bell-shaped flower, typically blue in color.

550. Blueberry: A small, round, edible fruit, typically blue or purple in color.

551. Bluebird: A type of small, brightly colored bird known for its beautiful plumage.

552. Bluer: Comparative form of “blue,” indicating a deeper or more intense shade of blue.

553. Blues: A genre of music characterized by its melancholic and soulful style, often expressing sadness or sorrow.

554. Blueskin: A derogatory term historically used to refer to Native Americans or people with dark skin.

555. Bluest: Superlative form of “blue,” indicating the deepest or most intense shade of blue.

556. Bluff: A steep, high bank or cliff, or a deceptive action or statement intended to mislead.

557. Bluish: Having a tinge of blue in color or appearance.

558. Blunder: A careless or embarrassing mistake or error.

559. Blunderbuss: A short-barreled firearm with a wide mouth, used in the 17th and 18th centuries.

560. Blundered: Past tense of “blunder,” indicating that someone made a careless or embarrassing mistake.

561. Blundering: The act of making careless or embarrassing mistakes.

562. Blunt: Having a dull edge or point, or characterized by straightforwardness and lacking subtlety.

563. Blunted: Past tense of “blunt,” indicating that something had its edge or point made dull.

564. Bluntly: In a straightforward and direct manner, often without tact.

565. Blur: A smudge or indistinct area, or to make something difficult to see or understand.

566. Blurt: To utter something suddenly and impulsively, often without thinking.

567. Blush: To become red in the face due to embarrassment, shyness, or excitement.

568. Bluster: To speak or act in a loud, aggressive, and boastful manner.

569. Blusterous: Characterized by loud, aggressive, and boastful speech or behavior.

570. Blythe: Cheerful and carefree; happy-go-lucky.

Words that Start with Bo

571. Boar: A wild pig, especially a male pig.

572. Board: A flat, usually rectangular piece of wood or other material used for various purposes, such as a surface for writing or a means of support.

573. Boarded: Past tense of “board,” indicating that someone or something got on or entered a board or a vehicle.

574. Boarder: A person who lives in a rented room or lodging, typically in someone else’s house.

575. Boarding: The act of getting on or entering a board or a vehicle, or providing accommodation and meals to residents.

576. Boast: To talk with excessive pride about one’s abilities or achievements.

577. Boaster: A person who boasts, or someone who talks with excessive pride.

578. Boastful: Given to boasting; excessively proud or self-centered.

579. Boat: A small vessel designed for traveling on water.

580. Boatman: A person who operates or works on a boat, typically as a crew member.

581. Boatsman: A variation of “boatman,” referring to a person who operates or works on boats.

582. Bob: To move up and down in a short, quick motion or to cut something short, typically hair.

583. Bobby: A slang term for a police officer, especially in British English.

584. Bock: A type of strong, dark beer.

585. Bod: Slang term for the body or a person.

586. Bodacious: Remarkable, excellent, or audacious in a bold way.

587. Bode: To be a sign or omen of something, often referring to a future event.

588. Boden: A reference to places with that name or a surname.

589. Bodiless: Without a body; lacking physical form.

590. Bodily: Relating to the body or physical presence.

591. Body: The physical structure of a person or animal, or a group or collection of something.

592. Bodyguard: A person or group of people employed to protect someone, often a VIP or celebrity.

593. Boer: A member of the Dutch-speaking settlers of South Africa.

594. Boil: To heat a liquid until it bubbles and turns into vapor or to develop a skin sore filled with pus.

595. Boiling: The process of heating a liquid until it bubbles and turns into vapor.

596. Boisterous: Noisy, energetic, and rowdy; lacking restraint.

597. Bold: Showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.

598. Bolder: Comparative form of “bold,” indicating greater courage or confidence.

599. Boldly: In a courageous and confident manner.

600. Boldness: The quality of being bold; confident and courageous.

601. Boleyn: A reference to Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII of England.

602. Bolivar: A reference to Simón Bolívar, a South American military and political leader who played a key role in Latin America’s successful struggle for independence from Spain.

603. Bolivia: A country in South America.

604. Bolster: To support, strengthen, or enhance something.

605. Bolt: A fastener consisting of a threaded pin and a cylindrical nut, often used to secure objects together.

606. Bolted: Past tense of “bolt,” indicating that something was fastened or secured with a bolt.

607. Bolting: The act of fastening or securing something with a bolt, or leaving suddenly or hastily.

608. Bolton: A reference to places with that name or a surname.

609. Bolts: Plural form of “bolt,” indicating multiple fasteners.

610. Bomb: An explosive device designed to cause damage, typically through an explosion.

611. Bonanza: A sudden, unexpected source of great wealth or success.

612. Bonard: A reference to people with that name or a surname.

613. Bondmen: A plural form of “bondman,” referring to people who are bound in servitude or slavery.

614. Bone: The hard tissue that forms the skeleton of vertebrate animals, or a piece of it.

615. Bones: Plural form of “bone,” indicating multiple pieces of skeletal tissue.

616. Boney: Slim or thin, often to the point of emaciation.

617. Bono: A reference to Paul David Hewson, known as Bono, an Irish singer-songwriter and frontman of the rock band U2.

618. Bonsoir: French for “good evening.”

619. Bonus: Something extra or additional, often a reward or benefit.

620. Booby: A foolish or gullible person, or a type of seabird.

621. Boog: A colloquial or slang term with various meanings, often referring to a dance or celebration.

622. Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together, often containing information, stories, or ideas.

623. Bookcases: Plural form of “bookcase,” which is a piece of furniture used for storing books.

624. Booking: The act of making a reservation or appointment, often for accommodations or travel.

625. Bookish: Characterized by a love of reading and a scholarly demeanor.

626. Bookmark: A strip of paper or other material placed in a book to mark a reader’s place.

627. Bookseller: A person or business that sells books.

628. Bookshop: A place where books are sold; a bookstore.

629. Bookstore: A place where books are sold, often specializing in a wide range of titles.

630. Bool: Slang term for “book” or “bullet.”

631. Boom: A loud, deep sound, or a period of rapid economic growth and prosperity.

632. Boomed: Past tense of “boom,” indicating a loud sound or rapid growth.

633. Booms: Plural form of “boom,” indicating multiple loud sounds or periods of growth.

634. Boon: A benefit or advantage, often something that is timely or helpful.

635. Boone: A reference to Daniel Boone, an American pioneer and frontiersman.

636. Boons: Plural form of “boon,” indicating multiple benefits or advantages.

637. Boor: A person who is unrefined, rude, or lacking in social graces.

638. Boors: Plural form of “boor,” indicating multiple unrefined individuals.

639. Boos: Plural form of “boo,” indicating disapproving sounds or expressions of contempt.

640. Boost: To increase or raise something, often to improve performance or enhance.

641. Booster: Something that enhances or improves, or a device used to increase power or efficiency.

642. Boot: A type of footwear that covers the foot and part of the leg.

643. Booted: Past tense of “boot,” indicating that something was kicked or equipped with boots.

644. Booth: A small, enclosed space used for various purposes, often for selling goods or conducting business.

645. Booths: Plural form of “booth,” indicating multiple small enclosed spaces.

646. Boots: Plural form of “boot,” indicating multiple pieces of footwear.

647. Booty: Stolen goods or plunder, or a slang term for the buttocks.

648. Boozy: Intoxicated or drunk from consuming alcohol.

649. Bora: A strong, cold wind that blows from the northeast in parts of the Adriatic Sea.

650. Border: The line or boundary separating one area or country from another.

651. Bordered: Past tense of “border,” indicating that something had a boundary or edge.

652. Bore: To drill a hole through something, or to cause someone

653. Bored: Feeling uninterested or lacking engagement in an activity, often resulting in a sense of weariness or restlessness.

654. Boredom: The state of being bored or experiencing a lack of interest or excitement.

655. Bores: The plural form of “bore,” refers to individuals or things that cause boredom or annoyance.

656. Boring: The adjective form of “bore,” describing something as uninteresting or dull.

657. Born: Brought into existence or life through birth.

658. Borrow: To take something temporarily with the intention of returning it, typically something owned by someone else.

659. Borrower: Someone who borrows something, often referring to a person who has borrowed money or an item.

660. Borrowing: The act of borrowing, which involves taking something temporarily.

661. Borrows: The third person singular form of “borrow,” indicating that someone else is taking something temporarily.

662. Bosh: Nonsense or foolish talk; something that lacks credibility or truth.

663. Bosom: The chest or breast area of a person, or a person’s close and intimate feelings.

664. Boss: A person who is in charge of others or a supervisor in a workplace.

665. Bossy: Tending to give orders or be domineering; acting like a boss.

666. Boston: A major city in Massachusetts, USA.

667. Boswell: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

668. Botanist: A scientist or expert who studies plants and their characteristics.

669. Both: Referring to two or more things or people, indicating inclusion or a shared quality.

670. Bother: To cause annoyance, inconvenience, or trouble to someone.

671. Botte: French for “boot,” typically referring to footwear.

672. Bottes: The plural form of “botte,” indicating multiple boots.

673. Bottle: A container typically made of glass or plastic with a narrow neck, used for holding liquids.

674. Bottled: Past tense of “bottle,” indicating that something was placed or sealed in a bottle.

675. Bottles: The plural form of “bottle,” indicating multiple containers.

676. Bottom: The lowest or underside of something, or the lowest point or level.

677. Bottomed: Past tense of “bottom,” indicating that something reached its lowest point.

678. Bottomless: Having no visible or apparent end or bottom.

679. Bottoms: The plural form of “bottom,” often referring to the lower parts of clothing.

680. Bouche: French for “mouth.”

681. Boucher: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

682. Bough: A main branch of a tree.

683. Bought: Past tense of “buy,” indicating that something was purchased.

684. Bougie: Informal term for someone who is perceived as pretentious or materialistic, often used in a derogatory manner.

685. Bounce: To rebound off a surface, often referring to a sudden and energetic movement.

686. Bound: Tied or secured, often referring to being restricted or obligated.

687. Boundary: A dividing line or limit that separates one area or entity from another.

688. Bounder: A person who behaves badly or inappropriately, often in a socially unacceptable manner.

689. Bounding: The act of moving energetically or leaping.

690. Boundless: Without limits or boundaries; infinite.

691. Bountiful: Generous or abundant in quantity, often used to describe something that provides plenty.

692. Bounty: A reward, payment, or something given as a gesture of generosity or appreciation.

693. Bourg: A French term meaning “town” or “village.”

694. Bourne: A small stream or brook, or a place name.

695. Boutique: A small, specialized shop or store that sells fashionable or unique items.

696. Bouton: French for “button.”

697. Bow: To bend forward at the waist as a sign of respect or acknowledgment, or a curved weapon used for shooting arrows.

698. Bowel: Part of the digestive system, often referring to the intestines.

699. Bowl: A round, deep dish used for serving food or a sport in which balls are rolled to knock down pins.

700. Bowring: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

701. Bowser: A term often used to refer to a fuel dispenser or storage container, typically used in the context of filling vehicles with fuel.

702. Box: A container with flat, rigid sides and often a lid, used for storing or transporting items.

703. Boxed: Placed or enclosed in a box.

704. Boxer: A person who participates in the sport of boxing, or a breed of dog known for its muscular build.

705. Boxes: The plural form of “box,” indicating multiple containers.

706. Boxing: The sport or activity of fighting with fists, often in a ring.

707. Boy: A male child or young male.

708. Boyce: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

More Words that Start with B

709. Bra: A form of women’s undergarment designed to support the breasts.

710. Brace: To provide support or reinforcement, or a device used to support or align something.

711. Bracelet: A piece of jewelry worn around the wrist.

712. Bracket: A device used to hold or support something, often in pairs.

713. Brackish: Having a slightly salty taste, often referring to water in estuaries or coastal areas.

714. Bracy: An uncommon name or term, which may refer to a person’s name or have other meanings in specific contexts.

715. Brad: A common given name for males.

716. Bradley: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

717. Brag: To boast or talk with excessive pride about one’s achievements or possessions.

718. Braggart: A person who boasts or brags excessively.

719. Brahm: A variation of the name “Brahma,” which is a deity in Hinduism associated with creation.

720. Brahma: In Hinduism, one of the principal deities is known as the creator god.

721. Brain: The organ in the head that controls thought, sensation, and complex behavior.

722. Brainy: Having intelligence or intellectual abilities.

723. Brake: A device used to slow down or stop the motion of a vehicle or machinery.

724. Bran: The outer husk of cereal grains, often used as animal feed or in food products.

725. Branch: A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk, or a division or subsidiary of a larger organization.

726. Brand: A symbol, name, or trademark used to identify and distinguish a product or company.

727. Branded: Past tense of “brand,” referring to the action of marking something with a symbol or name.

728. Brandon: A common given name for males.

729. Brash: Lacking sensitivity or thoughtfulness, often characterized by boldness or impetuousness.

730. Brass: A yellowish metal alloy of copper and zinc, or a type of wind instrument.

731. Bratty: Behaving in an annoying or spoiled manner.

732. Braun: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

733. Brave: Courageous or willing to face danger or difficulty.

734. . Braved: Past tense of “brave,” indicating that someone showed courage in a past situation.

735. Bravely: In a courageous or fearless manner.

736. Braver: Comparative form of “brave,” indicating more courage than someone or something else.

737. Bravery: Courageous behavior or qualities.

738. Bravo: An exclamation used to express approval or admiration.

739. Braw: A Scottish term meaning “fine” or “handsome.”

740. Brawling: Engaging in noisy or disruptive quarrels or fights.

741. Brayed: Past tense of “bray,” which means to make a loud, harsh sound like a donkey.

742. Brazil: A country in South America.

743. Breach: A break or violation of a law, contract, or agreement.

744. Bread: A staple food made from dough that is usually baked.

745. Breads: The plural form of “bread,” indicating multiple loaves or types of bread.

746. Break: To separate or damage something, or to interrupt a continuous period or activity.

747. Breakage: The act or result of breaking something.

748. Breakfast: The first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.

749. Breaking: The act of breaking or the process of something breaking.

750. Breakthrough: A significant development or discovery that leads to progress or success.

751. Breast: The front part of the human torso, typically containing mammary glands in females.

752. Breasted: Having a particular type of breast or chest.

753. Breasting: The act or process of facing or confronting a challenge or situation head-on.

754. Breastwork: A defensive barrier or fortification made of earth, wood, or other materials.

755. Breathe: To inhale and exhale air, essential for respiration.

756. Breathtaking: Extremely impressive or astonishing, often used to describe something of great beauty or awe-inspiring.

757. Breathtakingly: In a manner that is extremely impressive or astonishing.

758. Breezy: Pleasantly windy or characterized by a light, refreshing wind.

759. Brew: To make beer, tea, coffee, or other beverages by steeping or fermentation.

760. Brick: A rectangular building material made from clay, often used in construction.

761. Bridal: Related to a wedding or a bride.

762. Bride: A woman on her wedding day or shortly before or after it.

763. Bridged: Connected or spanned by a bridge or metaphorically linked.

764. Bridger: A reference to a person’s name or a bridge-related term.

765. Bridget: A common given name for females.

766. Brie: A type of soft, creamy cheese.

767. Brief: Short in duration, concise, or a short written or spoken statement.

768. Brier: A thorny plant or a type of tobacco pipe.

769. Brierly: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

770. Brig: A type of sailing vessel with two masts.

771. Bright: Emitting or reflecting a lot of light, or intelligent and quick-witted.

772. Brighten: To make something brighter or more cheerful.

773. Brightest: The superlative form of “bright,” indicating the most intense brightness or intelligence.

774. Brightly: In a bright or intelligent manner.

775. Brighton: A seaside city in England.

776. Brill: A term used to refer to a small, silvery fish.

777. Brilliant: Exceptionally bright, clever, or outstanding.

778. Brim: The upper edge of a container, or the projecting rim of something.

779. Brine: A concentrated salt solution, often used for pickling or preserving food.

780. Bring: To carry or convey something to a place or person.

781. Bringing: The act of carrying or conveying something.

782. Brink: The edge or border of something, often referring to a critical point or situation.

783. Brisk: Energetic, quick, or invigorating.

784. Bridal: Related to a bride or a wedding.

785. Bride: A woman who is about to be married or has recently been married.

786. Bridged: Past tense of “bridge,” meaning to connect or join two things.

787. Bridger: A reference to people with the surname “Bridger.”

788. Bridget: A female given name.

789. Brie: A type of soft, creamy cheese.

790. Brief: Short in duration, concise, or a document summarizing information.

791. Brier: A thorny plant or shrub, often used for making hedges.

792. Brierly: A surname or a reference to people with that name.

793. Brig: A type of sailing vessel, typically with two masts.

794. Bright: Emitting a strong or vivid light, or characterized by intelligence and quickness.

795. Brighten: To make something brighter or more cheerful.

796. Brightest: Superlative form of “bright,” meaning the most brilliant or intelligent.

797. Brightly: In a bright or intelligent manner.

798. Brighton: A city in the United Kingdom.

799. Brill: A slang term for a diamond or a type of small fish.

800. Brilliant: Exceptionally bright, intelligent, or very impressive.

Our exploration of words that start with “B” has taken us through a journey of language. Using everyday terms that structure our communication to rare and intriguing gems, these words showcase the richness of human expression.

Whether you’re a Scrabble enthusiast, a writer crafting stories, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of words, remember that language is a tool for connection, understanding, and creativity. So, let the adventure continue, one word at a time!

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