Words that start with A

Discover 600 Five Letter Words That Start With A

Welcome, word enthusiasts and language explorers, to a captivating journey through the realm of letters and meanings!

In this interactive exploration, we’ll embark on a linguistic adventure, delving into the fascinating world of five-letter words that all begin with the letter “A.”

Get ready to expand your vocabulary, challenge your wits, and discover the hidden stories behind these concise yet powerful words.

Five Letter Words That Start With A

The English language is a treasure trove of words, each with its own unique meaning and significance. 

mong the vast array of words, five-letter words hold a particular charm due to their concise nature and ability to convey ideas swiftly.

The information below explores a collection of five-letter words that start with the letter “A,” showcasing their versatility and importance in communication.

1. Arbor: A shaded area or shelter often created by trees or climbing plants.

2. Areas: Plural form of “area,” referring to a space or region.

3. Arena: An enclosed or open area where events, performances, or contests take place.

4. Argue: To present reasons or points in support of an idea, position, or opinion; to engage in a debate or disagreement.

5. Argus: In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes was a giant with many eyes, often symbolizing watchfulness.

6. Arias: Plural of “aria,” a solo vocal performance, usually in an opera.

7. Ariel: A name that can refer to a variety of meanings, including a Biblical name, a character from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” and more.

8. Aries: The first astrological sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram and associated with individuals born between March 21 and April 19.

9. Arise: To come into being or existence; to get up from a seated or lying position.

10. Arjun: A name, often associated with Indian culture and mythology.

11. Armed: Equipped with weapons or tools for defense or attack.

12. Armor: Protective covering worn by warriors or soldiers; figuratively, a defense or safeguard.

13. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell, often associated with food, flowers, or other substances.

14. Arose: Past tense of “arise,” meaning to have come into existence or to have happened.

15. Array: An arrangement or display of things in a particular order or formation.

16. Aboil: In a state of boiling or extreme excitement.

17. Abort: To terminate or stop a process or activity before it is completed; to cause an abortion or miscarriage.

18. Abuse: The improper or excessive use of something; the mistreatment, harm, or cruelty towards a person or animal.

19. Acorn: The small, nut-like seed of an oak tree; a symbol of potential and growth.

20. Adapt: To modify or adjust something to fit a new purpose or situation; to become adjusted or suited to different conditions.

21. Admin: Informal shortening of “administration,” often used in the context of managing or overseeing tasks or systems.

22. Admit: To confess, acknowledge, or allow entry or access to a place or event.

23. Admen: Plural of “adman,” referring to people who work in advertising or marketing.

24. Affix: To attach, fasten, or stick something to another object; also refers to prefixes and suffixes added to words to modify their meaning.

25. Agree: To have the same opinion, viewpoint, or understanding as someone else; to reach a consensus or come to an arrangement.

26. Ahead: In front or in advance of something; in the future; moving forward.

27. Album: A collection of recorded music tracks; also refers to a book with blank pages for collecting photographs, artwork, or mementos.

28. Alley: A narrow passageway or street between buildings; also refers to a bowling lane.

29. Allot: To distribute or allocate something, such as time, money, or resources.

30. Allow: To permit or give permission for something to happen; to enable or authorize.

31. Amate: An obsolete term for “amate paper,” a type of handmade paper often used in Mexican folk art.

32. Amaze: To astonish, surprise, or fill with wonder; to leave someone greatly impressed or puzzled.

33. Angel: A celestial being often depicted as a benevolent messenger or protector; a person of exceptional kindness or goodness.

34. Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure or annoyance usually triggered by a perceived offense or injustice.

35. Angle: A geometric figure formed by two lines or rays extending from a common point; also refers to a particular viewpoint or perspective.

36. Angry: Feeling strong displeasure or irritation; agitated or provoked by something.

37. Apple: A round fruit with crisp and juicy flesh, often associated with health and knowledge.

38. Apply: To put to use or implement; to request or submit an application for a job, school, or program.

39. Asset: Something valuable or beneficial that is owned or possessed; an advantage or resource.

40. Atlas: A collection of maps, charts, or geographical information; also refers to the uppermost vertebra of the spine.

41. Audio: Relating to sound, especially in terms of recording, reproduction, or transmission.

42. Await: To wait for or expect something; to be in anticipation of a particular event or outcome.

43. Awake: In a state of wakefulness or consciousness; not asleep.

44. Award: A prize, recognition, or honor given in recognition of achievement or excellence.

45. Aware: Having knowledge or understanding of a particular situation, fact, or concept.

46. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality; inspiring a strong feeling of fear, dread, or disgust.

47. Arrow: A slender pointed projectile shot from a bow; a symbol indicating direction or movement.

48. Arson: The criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property.

49. Aryan: Historically, a term misused to describe a supposed superior race; used primarily in Nazi ideology.

50. Ascot: A type of necktie, often worn with formal attire or in an English town known for horse racing.

51. Asher: A name with Hebrew origins, meaning “happy” or “blessed.”

52. Ashes: The residue left after something has burned; often associated with death or destruction.

53. Asian: Relating to the continent of Asia or people of Asian descent.

54. Aside: To one side; apart from the main subject; a theatrical convention where a character speaks to the audience but not to other characters.

55. Asked: Past tense of “ask,” meaning to pose a question or request information.

56. Aspen: A type of tree known for its quaking leaves; also, a city in Colorado, USA.

57. Assam: A state in northeastern India known for its tea production and rich culture.

58. Assay: To examine or analyze a substance to determine its composition or quality.

59. Asses: Plural form of “ass,” which can refer to a donkey or, informally, a person’s buttocks.

60. Asset: A valuable or useful thing or quality; often used in a financial context.

61. Atlas: A collection of maps or charts; also, the name of a Greek Titan who held up the heavens.

62. Atoms: The basic units of matter, composed of a nucleus and electrons.

63. Attic: The space below a roof and above the ceiling of a building; often used for storage.

64. Audio: Relating to sound or the sense of hearing; also, electronic signals representing sound.

65. Audit: An official examination of financial records or accounts.

66. Aunts: Plural of “aunt,” a sister of one’s parent.

67. Aunty: An informal term for “aunt,” often used affectionately.

68. Autos: Plural form of “auto,” short for “automobile.”

69. Avail: To be of use or advantage; to make use of something effectively.

70. Avant: A French term meaning “before” or “in front of”; often used in artistic or cultural contexts.

71. Avert: To prevent or turn away from; to avoid a potential danger or problem.

72. Avian: Relating to birds or bird-like characteristics.

73. Avoid: To keep away from or prevent contact with something; to refrain from doing something.

74. Await: To wait for or expect something to happen.

75. Awake: In a state of being conscious or not asleep.

76. Award: A prize or recognition given for achievement or excellence.

77. Aware: Having knowledge or awareness of something; being conscious of one’s surroundings.

78. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality.

79. Awoke: Past tense of “awake,” meaning to have come out of a state of sleep.

80. Axial: Relating to an axis, an imaginary line around which an object rotates.

81. Axiom: A self-evident or universally accepted truth; a fundamental principle.

82. Aztec: An ancient civilization that thrived in present-day Mexico; known for its advanced culture and architecture.

83. Azure: A bright blue color; also, a term used in heraldry to refer to the color blue.

84. Abbas: A common Arabic name often used as a given name for boys.

85. Abbey: A building used for Christian religious activities, particularly a monastery or convent.

86. Abbot: The superior or leader of a monastery or abbey in Christian religious communities.

87. Abide: To tolerate, endure, or accept; to remain or continue in a particular state.

88. Abode: A place of residence; a home or dwelling.

89. Abort: To terminate or end something prematurely, often referring to a planned process or activity.

90. About: Concerning, regarding, or approximately.

91. Above: At a higher position or place; higher in rank, authority, or quality.

92. Abuse: Improper or harmful treatment; the misuse or mistreatment of someone or something.

93. Abyss: A deep and vast chasm or gap; figuratively, a profound and infinite space or emptiness.

94. Accra: The capital city of Ghana, a country in West Africa.

95. Aches: Plural of “ache,” a continuous dull pain.

96. Acids: Plural of “acid,” a substance with a sour taste and the ability to react with bases.

97. Acorn: The nut of an oak tree; often used symbolically to represent growth and potential.

98. Acres: A unit of area measurement commonly used to measure land.

99. Acted: Past tense of the verb “act,” meaning to perform a role or engage in an activity.

100. Actin: A protein found in muscle cells that is involved in muscle contraction.

Five Letter Words That Start With A (Noun)

101. Actor: A person who performs on stage or in front of a camera; someone who acts in plays, movies, etc.

102. Acute: Sharp, intense, or severe; often used to describe a medical condition or an angle less than 90 degrees.

103. Adams: A surname of English origin; it may refer to individuals with this surname.

104. Adapt: To adjust, modify, or change something to fit a new situation or environment.

105. Added: Past tense of the verb “add,” meaning to combine or put together.

106. Adept: Skilled or proficient in a particular activity or field.

107. Admin: An abbreviation for “administration,” often used in the context of management and organization.

108. Admit: To confess or acknowledge something as true; to allow entry or access.

109. Adobe: A type of building material made from clay and straw, often used in construction.

110. Adopt: To take on or accept as one’s own; to choose or take in as a child.

111. Adore: To greatly admire or love someone or something.

112. Adorn: To decorate or embellish something, often with ornaments or accessories.

113. Adult: A fully grown individual; a person who has reached maturity.

114. Aegis: Protection, support, or sponsorship, often used in the sense of a shield or protective covering.

115. After: Following in time or sequence; later than a specified event.

116. Again: Once more; a repeated action or occurrence.

117. Agent: A person or entity that acts on behalf of another, often to perform tasks or transactions.

118. Agile: Quick, nimble, and able to move or think easily and swiftly.

119. Aging: The process of getting older; and becoming elderly.

120. Agony: Intense physical or emotional pain or suffering.

121. Agree: To come to a mutual understanding or consensus; to have the same opinion.

122. Ahead: In front or further forward; in advance of something.

123. Aided: Past tense of the verb “aid,” meaning to assist or support.

124. Aides: Plural of “aide,” a person who assists or supports someone else, often in a professional capacity.

125. Aimed: Past tense of the verb “aim,” meaning to point or direct something at a target.

126. Aired: Past tense of the verb “air,” meaning to expose something to the open air or broadcast on television or radio.

127. Aisle: A passageway between rows, often in a church, theater, or store.

128. Alamo: A historic Spanish mission and fortress in San Antonio, Texas, famous for the Battle of the Alamo in 1836.

129. Alarm: A signal or device that warns of danger or alerts someone to a specific event.

130. Album: A collection of music, photographs, or other items stored together.

Alert: An emergency notification or a state of 131. heightened readiness; being watchful and attentive.

132. Algae: Simple, often aquatic, photosynthetic organisms that do not have roots, stems, or leaves.

133. Alias: An alternate name or pseudonym used by a person to conceal their identity.

134. Alibi: A claim or proof that someone was elsewhere when a crime or incident occurred, thus showing they could not have committed it.

135. Alien: A being from another planet or foreign country; unfamiliar or strange.

136. Align: To arrange in a straight line or bring it into proper positioning.

137. Alike: Similar in appearance, nature, or characteristics.

138. Alive: Having life; existing and not dead.

139. Allah: The Arabic word for God, is used predominantly in Islamic culture and religion.

140. Alley: A narrow pathway between buildings, often used for walking or as a thoroughfare.

141. Allow: To permit or grant permission for something to happen.

142. Alloy: A mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a non-metal, often to improve properties.

143. Aloft: Up in the air; high above the ground.

144. Aloha: A Hawaiian word used as a greeting or farewell, expressing love, compassion, and harmony.

145. Alone: Being by oneself, without anyone else present.

146. Along: Moving or extending in a particular direction, often parallel to something else.

147. Aloud: In a voice that can be heard; not silently.

148. Alpha: The first letter of the Greek alphabet; used symbolically to refer to the beginning or the first in a series.

149. Altar: A platform or table used in religious ceremonies for making offerings or performing rituals.

150. Alter: To change or modify; to make different from the original state.

151. Amaze: To astonish, surprise, or greatly impress.

152. Amber: A yellowish-brown color or a fossilized tree resin.

153. Amend: To make corrections or changes to something; to revise or improve.

154. Amino: Relating to or containing amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.

155. Amish: A religious group known for a simple lifestyle and adherence to traditional practices.

156. Among: In the midst of; surrounded by or in the company of others.

157. Amour: A French word meaning “love” or “affection.”

158. Ample: Abundant or plentiful; having enough of something.

159. Amuse: To entertain or make someone laugh or smile.

160. Angel: A supernatural being often depicted as a benevolent messenger or protector.

161. Anger: Strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or rage.

162. Angle: A geometric figure formed by two intersecting lines; a particular viewpoint or approach.

163. Anglo: Relating to people of English-speaking origin or descent.

164. Angry: Feeling strong displeasure or irritation.

165. Angst: A feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or existential dread.

166. Angus: A breed of cattle known for its beef quality.

167. Anime: A style of animation originating in Japan; often characterized by colorful artwork and fantastical themes.

168. Ankle: The joint connecting the foot to the leg.

169. Annex: An addition to a building or an attachment to a larger structure.

170. Annoy: To cause irritation or frustration to someone.

171. Anvil: A heavy metal block used by blacksmiths for shaping metal.

172. Anzac: A term referring to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, particularly associated with World War I.

173. Apart: Separated by a distance or interval; not together.

174. Apple: A round fruit with crisp or soft edible flesh and a core containing seeds.

175. Apply: To put to use or bring into effect; to submit an application or request.

176. April: The fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

177. Apron: A protective garment worn over clothes, often by cooks or workers.

178. Aptly: In a suitable or fitting manner; appropriately.

179. Arabs: People of Arab ethnic or cultural background, primarily associated with the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding areas.

180. Arbor: A shaded area or shelter often created by trees or climbing plants.

181. Areas: Plural form of “area,” referring to a space or region.

182. Arena: An enclosed or open area where events, performances, or contests take place.

183. Argue: To present reasons or points in support of an idea, position, or opinion; to engage in a debate or disagreement.

184. Argus: In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes was a giant with many eyes, often symbolizing watchfulness.

185. Arias: Plural of “aria,” a solo vocal performance, usually in an opera.

186. Ariel: A name that can refer to a variety of meanings, including a Biblical name, a character from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” and more.

187. Aries: The first astrological sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram and associated with individuals born between March 21 and April 19.

188. Arise: To come into being or existence; to get up from a seated or lying position.

189. Arjun: A name, often associated with Indian culture and mythology.

190. Armed: Equipped with weapons or tools for defense or attack.

191. Armor: Protective covering worn by warriors or soldiers; figuratively, a defense or safeguard.

192. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell, often associated with food, flowers, or other substances.

193. Arose: Past tense of “arise,” meaning to have come into existence or to have happened.

194. Array: An arrangement or display of things in a particular order or formation.

195. Arrow: A slender pointed projectile shot from a bow; a symbol indicating direction or movement.

196. Arson: The criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property.

197. Aryan: Historically, a term misused to describe a supposed superior race; used primarily in Nazi ideology.

198. Ascot: A type of necktie, often worn with formal attire or an English town known for horse racing.

199. Asher: A name with Hebrew origins, meaning “happy” or “blessed.”

200. Ashes: The residue left after something has burned; often associated with death or destruction.

201. Asian: Relating to the continent of Asia or people of Asian descent.

202. Aside: To one side; apart from the main subject; a theatrical convention where a character speaks to the audience but not to other characters.

203. Asked: Past tense of “ask,” meaning to pose a question or request information.

204. Aspen: A type of tree known for its quaking leaves; also, a city in Colorado, USA.

205. Assam: A state in northeastern India known for its tea production and rich culture.

Five-Letter Adjective Words That Start With A

206. Assay: To examine or analyze a substance to determine its composition or quality.

207. Asses: Plural form of “ass,” which can refer to a donkey or, informally, a person’s buttocks.

208. Asset: A valuable or useful thing or quality; often used in a financial context.

209. Atlas: A collection of maps or charts; also, the name of a Greek Titan who held up the heavens.

210. Atoms: The basic units of matter, composed of a nucleus and electrons.

211. Attic: The space below a roof and above the ceiling of a building; often used for storage.

212. Audio: Relating to sound or the sense of hearing; also, electronic signals representing sound.

213. Audit: An official examination of financial records or accounts.

214. Aunts: Plural of “aunt,” a sister of one’s parent.

215. Aunty: An informal term for “aunt,” often used affectionately.

216. Autos: Plural form of “auto,” short for “automobile.”

217. Avail: To be of use or advantage; to make use of something effectively.

218. Avant: A French term meaning “before” or “in front of”; often used in artistic or cultural contexts.

219. Avert: To prevent or turn away from; to avoid a potential danger or problem.

220. Avian: Relating to birds or bird-like characteristics.

221. Avoid: To keep away from or prevent contact with something; to refrain from doing something.

222. Await: To wait for or expect something to happen.

223. Awake: In a state of being conscious or not asleep.

224. Award: A prize or recognition given for achievement or excellence.

225. Aware: Having knowledge or awareness of something; being conscious of one’s surroundings.

226. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality.

227. Awoke: Past tense of “awake,” meaning to have come out of a state of sleep.

228. Axial: Relating to an axis, an imaginary line around which an object rotates.

229. Axiom: A self-evident or universally accepted truth; a fundamental principle.

230. Aztec: An ancient civilization that thrived in present-day Mexico; known for its advanced culture and architecture.

231. Azure: A bright blue color; also, a term used in heraldry to refer to the color blue.

232. Abbas: A common Arabic name often used as a given name for boys.

233. Abbey: A building used for Christian religious activities, particularly a monastery or convent.

234. Abbot: The superior or leader of a monastery or abbey in Christian religious communities.

235. Abide: To tolerate, endure, or accept; to remain or continue in a particular state.

236. Abode: A place of residence; a home or dwelling.

237. Abort: To terminate or end something prematurely, often referring to a planned process or activity.

238. About: Concerning, regarding, or approximately.

239. Above: At a higher position or place; higher in rank, authority, or quality.

240. Abuse: Improper or harmful treatment; the misuse or mistreatment of someone or something.

241. Abyss: A deep and vast chasm or gap; figuratively, a profound and infinite space or emptiness.

242. Accra: The capital city of Ghana, a country in West Africa.

243. Aches: Plural of “ache,” a continuous dull pain.

244. Acids: Plural of “acid,” a substance with a sour taste and the ability to react with bases.

245. Acorn: The nut of an oak tree; often used symbolically to represent growth and potential.

246. Acres: A unit of area measurement commonly used to measure land.

247. Acted: Past tense of the verb “act,” meaning to perform a role or engage in an activity.

248. Actin: A protein found in muscle cells that is involved in muscle contraction.

249. Actor: A person who performs on stage or in front of a camera; someone who acts in plays, movies, etc.

250. Acute: Sharp, intense, or severe; often used to describe a medical condition or an angle less than 90 degrees.

251. Adams: A surname of English origin; it may refer to individuals with this surname.

252. Adapt: To adjust, modify, or change something to fit a new situation or environment.

253. Added: Past tense of the verb “add,” meaning to combine or put together.

254. Adept: Skilled or proficient in a particular activity or field.

255. Admin: An abbreviation for “administration,” often used in the context of management and organization.

256. Admit: To confess or acknowledge something as true; to allow entry or access.

257. Adobe: A type of building material made from clay and straw, often used in construction.

258. Adopt: To take on or accept as one’s own; to choose or take in as a child.

259. Adore: To greatly admire or love someone or something.

260. Adorn: To decorate or embellish something, often with ornaments or accessories.

261. Adult: A fully grown individual; a person who has reached maturity.

262. Aegis: Protection, support, or sponsorship, often used in the sense of a shield or protective covering.

263. After: Following in time or sequence; later than a specified event.

264. Again: Once more; a repeated action or occurrence.

265. Agent: A person or entity that acts on behalf of another, often to perform tasks or transactions.

266. Agile: Quick, nimble, and able to move or think easily and swiftly.

267. Aging: The process of getting older; and becoming elderly.

268. Agony: Intense physical or emotional pain or suffering.

269. Agree: To come to a mutual understanding or consensus; to have the same opinion.

270. Ahead: In front or further forward; in advance of something.

271. Aided: Past tense of the verb “aid,” meaning to assist or support.

272. Aides: Plural of “aide,” a person who assists or supports someone else, often in a professional capacity.

273. Aimed: Past tense of the verb “aim,” meaning to point or direct something at a target.

274. Aired: Past tense of the verb “air,” meaning to expose something to the open air or broadcast on television or radio.

275. Aisle: A passageway between rows, often in a church, theater, or store.

276. Alamo: A historic Spanish mission and fortress in San Antonio, Texas, famous for the Battle of the Alamo in 1836.

277. Alarm: A signal or device that warns of danger or alerts someone to a specific event.

278. Arbor: A shaded area or shelter often created by trees or climbing plants.

279. Areas: Plural form of “area,” referring to a space or region.

280. Arena: An enclosed or open area where events, performances, or contests take place.

281. Argue: To present reasons or points in support of an idea, position, or opinion; to engage in a debate or disagreement.

282. Argus: In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes was a giant with many eyes, often symbolizing watchfulness.

283. Arias: Plural of “aria,” a solo vocal performance, usually in an opera.

284. Ariel: A name that can refer to a variety of meanings, including a Biblical name, a character from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” and more.

285. Aries: The first astrological sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram and associated with individuals born between March 21 and April 19.

286. Arise: To come into being or existence; to get up from a seated or lying position.

287. Arjun: A name, often associated with Indian culture and mythology.

288. Armed: Equipped with weapons or tools for defense or attack.

289. Armor: Protective covering worn by warriors or soldiers; figuratively, a defense or safeguard.

290. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell, often associated with food, flowers, or other substances.

291. Arose: Past tense of “arise,” meaning to have come into existence or to have happened.

292. Array: An arrangement or display of things in a particular order or formation.

293. Arrow: A slender pointed projectile shot from a bow; a symbol indicating direction or movement.

294. Arson: The criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property.

295. Aryan: Historically, a term misused to describe a supposed superior race; used primarily in Nazi ideology.

296. Ascot: A type of necktie, often worn with formal attire or an English town known for horse racing.

297. Asher: A name with Hebrew origins, meaning “happy” or “blessed.”

298. Ashes: The residue left after something has burned; often associated with death or destruction.

299. Asian: Relating to the continent of Asia or people of Asian descent.

300. Aside: To one side; apart from the main subject; a theatrical convention where a character speaks to the audience but not to other characters.

301. Asked: Past tense of “ask,” meaning to pose a question or request information.

302. Aspen: A type of tree known for its quaking leaves; also, a city in Colorado, USA.

303. Assam: A state in northeastern India known for its tea production and rich culture.

304. Assay: To examine or analyze a substance to determine its composition or quality.

305. Asses: Plural form of “ass,” which can refer to a donkey or, informally, a person’s buttocks.

306. Asset: A valuable or useful thing or quality; often used in a financial context.

307. Atlas: A collection of maps or charts; also, the name of a Greek Titan who held up the heavens.

308. Atoms: The basic units of matter, composed of a nucleus and electrons.

309. Attic: The space below a roof and above the ceiling of a building; often used for storage.

310. Audio: Relating to sound or the sense of hearing; also, electronic signals representing sound.

311. Audit: An official examination of financial records or accounts.

312. Aunts: Plural of “aunt,” a sister of one’s parent.

313. Aunty: An informal term for “aunt,” often used affectionately.

Positive Five-Letter Words That Start With A

314. Autos: Plural form of “auto,” short for “automobile.”

315. Avail: To be of use or advantage; to make use of something effectively.

316. Avant: A French term meaning “before” or “in front of”; often used in artistic or cultural contexts.

317. Avert: To prevent or turn away from; to avoid a potential danger or problem.

318. Avian: Relating to birds or bird-like characteristics.

319. Avoid: To keep away from or prevent contact with something; to refrain from doing something.

320. Await: To wait for or expect something to happen.

321. Awake: In a state of being conscious or not asleep.

322. Award: A prize or recognition given for achievement or excellence.

323. Aware: Having knowledge or awareness of something; being conscious of one’s surroundings.

324. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality.

325. Awoke: Past tense of “awake,” meaning to have come out of a state of sleep.

326. Axial: Relating to an axis, an imaginary line around which an object rotates.

327. Axiom: A self-evident or universally accepted truth; a fundamental principle.

328. Aztec: An ancient civilization that thrived in present-day Mexico; known for its advanced culture and architecture.

329. Azure: A bright blue color; also, a term used in heraldry to refer to the color blue.

330. Aahed: Past tense of “aah,” an exclamation of surprise, pleasure, or amazement.

331. Aalii: A type of flowering shrub or tree found in tropical regions.

332. Aargh: An exclamation of frustration, annoyance, or exasperation.

333. Aarti: A Hindu ritual of worship involving light, often performed with oil lamps or candles.

334. Abaca: A plant fiber derived from the banana plant, used to make textiles and ropes.

335. Abaci: Plural of “abacus,” a counting device used in calculations.

336. Aback: In a state of surprise or astonishment; caught off guard.

337. Abacs: Plural of “abac,” an alternate spelling of “abacus,” a counting tool.

338. Abaft: Towards the rear of a ship; behind or aft.

339. Abaka: Another term for “abaca,” a fiber used in making textiles and ropes.

340. Abamp: A unit of electrical current in the CGS electromagnetic system.

341. Aband: Short for “abandoned,” indicating something that has been left behind or disregarded.

342. Abass: A name or term without a specific meaning in English.

343. Abash: To embarrass, make uneasy, or cause someone to feel self-conscious.

344. Abask: Basking or resting in a comfortable and warm manner.

345. Abate: To reduce or diminish in intensity, force, or amount.

346. Abaya: A loose, long robe worn by some Muslim women as a form of modest dress.

347. Abbas: A name that has various meanings and uses, including being a common given name.

348. Abbed: Past tense of “abbe,” a French title for a clergyman or abbé.

349. Abbes: Plural form of “abbé,” a French title for a clergyman or priest.

350. Abbey: A building used for religious purposes by monks or nuns; also, a monastery or convent.

351. Abbot: The head of a monastery or abbey, often holding a position of authority.

352. Abcee: A sequence of letters in alphabetical order.

353. Abeam: In a direction perpendicular to the centerline of a ship or aircraft.

354. Abele: A type of poplar tree with white, silvery leaves.

355. Abers: Plural form of “aber,” a term that may refer to various place names.

356. Abets: Third person singular form of the verb “abet,” meaning to assist, encourage, or support.

357. Abhor: To regard with disgust, hatred, or intense aversion.

358. Abide: To tolerate, endure, or remain steadfast in a situation.


359. Abies: The genus of trees known as firs, often used as Christmas trees.

360. Abled: Having the ability to perform or function effectively.

361. Ablet: A small piece of paper or material used for writing or drawing.

362. Ables: Plural form of “able,” indicating having the capability or skill to do something.

363. Ablow: In a state of blowing or being in a windy condition.

364. Abmho: A unit of electrical conductance in the CGS electromagnetic system.

365. Abode: A place of residence; a dwelling or home.

366. Abohm: A unit of electrical resistance in the CGS electromagnetic system.

367. Aboil: In a state of boiling or being heated to the point of bubbling.

368. Aboma: A term that may refer to a specific meaning or context.

369. Aboon: An old Scottish term meaning “above” or “over.”

370. Abord: An old term meaning “aboard” or “on board.”

371. Abore: An old term meaning “abhor” or “detest.”

372. Abort: To terminate or end prematurely, often referring to a mission, process, or pregnancy.

373. About: Concerning or regarding; approximately or around.

374. Above: Higher in position or place; more than; exceeding in value or degree.

375. Abram: A name of Hebrew origin, often associated with Abraham, a prominent figure in religious texts.

376. Agray: A variant spelling of “agray,” a term without a widely recognized meaning.

377. Abray: A variant spelling of “abray,” a term without a widely recognized meaning.

378. Abram: A name of Hebrew origin, often associated with Abraham, a prominent figure in religious texts.

379. Abram: A name of Hebrew origin, often associated with Abraham, a prominent figure in religious texts.

380. Abray: A variant spelling of “abray,” a term without a widely recognized meaning.

381. Abrazo: A Spanish term for a hug or embrace, often used as a gesture of friendship or affection.

382. Abreg: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

383. Abrit: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

384. Abram: A name of Hebrew origin, often associated with Abraham, a prominent figure in religious texts.

385. Abrupt: Sudden or unexpected; characterized by an immediate change.

386. Abseil: To descend a vertical surface, such as a cliff, using a rope.

387. Absit: An abbreviation of “absit omen,” Latin for “may the omen be absent”; used to ward off bad luck.

388. Abuna: A title used to address a religious leader or bishop in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches.

389. Abune: A variant of “abuna,” a title for a religious leader in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches.

390. Abuse: To mistreat, harm, or use something improperly; also refers to offensive language or behavior.

391. Abuts: To border or be adjacent to; to touch or meet at the edge or boundary.

392. Abuzz: Filled with a humming or buzzing sound; also used to describe a place bustling with activity.

393. Abyes: Third person singular form of the verb “abide,” meaning to tolerate or endure.

394. Abysm: A poetic or archaic term for “abyss,” a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.

395. Abyss: A deep, immeasurable space or void; often used metaphorically to refer to something profound or unfathomable.

396. Acais: Plural of “acai,” a type of small, dark purple berry from the acai palm tree, often used in health foods.

397. Acari: A taxonomic group that includes mites and ticks, often tiny arachnids found in various environments.

398. Accas: Plural of “acca,” a colloquial term for an academic qualification or degree.

399. Accommodate: To provide lodging or space; to adjust or adapt to different needs or circumstances.

400. Accord: Agreement or harmony between people or things; a formal treaty or understanding.

401. Accost: To approach and speak to someone, often in an assertive or challenging manner.

402. Account: A record of financial transactions; a narrative or explanation of events or experiences.

403. Accrue: To accumulate or increase over time; often used in financial contexts.

404. Accuse: To charge someone with wrongdoing or a crime; to allege or assert that someone is at fault.

405. Acerb: Bitter or sour in taste; also used to describe a critical or sharp tone.

406. Acers: Plural form of “acer,” a Latin word meaning “maple,” often used in botanical names.

407. Aceta: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

408= Achar: A South Asian condiment made from pickled fruits or vegetables, often spicy and tangy.

409. Ached: Past tense of “ache,” to experience a dull or persistent pain.

410. Aches: Plural of “ache,” referring to discomfort or pain.

411. Achoo: An onomatopoeic term representing the sound of a sneeze.

412. Acids: Plural of “acid,” a substance that has a pH level less than 7 and can be corrosive.

413. Acidy: Having a sour or acidic taste; often used metaphorically to describe a sharp or biting quality.

414. Acing: Present participle of “ace,” to perform exceptionally well or excel.

415. Acmes: Plural of “acme,” the highest point or peak of something; the pinnacle of success.

416. Acnes: Plural of “acne,” a skin condition characterized by the presence of pimples or blemishes.

417. Acorn: The nut of an oak tree; a symbol of potential and growth.

418. Acqua: The Italian word for “water,” is often used in culinary contexts to refer to water-based dishes or drinks.

419. Acres: Plural of “acre,” a unit of area commonly used to measure land.

420. Acris: A genus of small frogs found in North and Central America.

421. Acrob: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

422. Acted: Past tense of “act,” to perform an action or behavior.

423. Actin: A protein found in cells that plays a role in various cellular processes.

424. Action: The process of doing something; a deed, event, or occurrence.

425. Active: Engaged in action or movement; dynamic and energetic.

426. Actor: A person who performs in plays, movies, television shows, or other forms of entertainment.

427. Actual: Existing in reality; real or true in contrast to theoretical or hypothetical.

428. Acule: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

429. Acute: Sharp or severe in intensity; also refers to an angle less than 90 degrees.

430. Please let me know if you’d like me to continue or if you have any other requests!

431. Adams: A surname of English origin, often used as a given name; also refers to John Adams, a prominent American Founding Father and the second President of the United States.

432. Adapt: To adjust, modify, or change something to fit a new situation or purpose.

433. Added: Past tense of “add,” to combine or include something with another.

434. Adept: Skilled or proficient in a particular activity or field; knowledgeable and capable.

435. Admin: Informal abbreviation for “administration,” often used to refer to administrative tasks or duties.

436. Admit: To confess or acknowledge something; to grant entry or access to a person or place.

437. Adobe: A type of building material made from a mixture of earth, water, and organic materials; also refers to software developed by Adobe Inc.

438. Adopt: To choose or take on something, such as a practice, belief, or pet, as one’s own.

439. Adore: To deeply love, admire, or respect someone or something.

440. Adorn: To decorate or embellish with ornaments or attractive features.

441. Adult: A fully grown individual; a person who has reached the age of maturity.

442. Aegis: Protection, support, or sponsorship; often used metaphorically to refer to a guiding or shielding influence.

443. Afar: At a distance or far away; often used to describe something happening in a remote location.

Five-Letter Scrabble Words That Start With A

444. Affair: An event or occurrence; a romantic or intimate relationship; also refers to a matter or issue.

445. Affect: To influence or have an impact on something; also refers to displaying emotions or feelings.

446. Affine: Having a close relationship or connection; often used in mathematics to describe geometric transformations.

447. Affix: To attach or append something to another; also refers to prefixes and suffixes in linguistics.

448. Afford: To have the financial means or ability to purchase or do something.

449. Afield: Away from the usual or familiar location; in a different direction or place.

450. Afoul: In conflict, collision, or disagreement; also refers to getting tangled or caught.

451. Afters: Informal term for dessert or sweets served after a meal.

452. Again: Once more; in a repetitive manner; returning to a previous state or action.

453. Against: In opposition to; conflicting with or contrary to something.

454. Agape: Open-mouthed, often in amazement or surprise; also refers to a type of love or selfless concern.

455. Agate: A type of mineral often used in jewelry; also refers to a printing term for a small type size.

456. Agave: A succulent plant often used for its fibers or sap; also used to produce tequila.

457. Agaze: Staring or gazing intensely at something.

458. Ageless: Without age or timeless; not showing the effects of aging.

459. Agency: The capacity or role of acting or exerting power; also refers to an organization or business that provides specific services.

460. Agenda: A list of items or tasks to be discussed or addressed; a plan or program of action.

461. Agent: A person or entity authorized to act on behalf of another; also refers to a person who works in the field of representation or negotiation.

462. Agile: Quick, nimble, and able to move easily; also refers to the ability to adapt and respond swiftly to change.

463. Agitate: To stir or shake something; also refers to causing anxiety, restlessness, or excitement.

464. Agog: Eager, excited, or enthusiastic about something.

465. Ago: In the past; before the present time.

466. Agony: Intense physical or emotional suffering; extreme distress.

467. Agree: To be in harmony or accord with something; to reach a consensus or understanding.

468. Ahead: In advance or before a particular time or event; in a forward direction.

469. Aided: Past tense of “aid,” to assist, support, or help someone.

470. Aides: Plural of “aide,” a person who assists or provides support to someone in a position of authority.

471. Ailment: A minor illness or physical discomfort; a condition that causes discomfort.

472. Aim: To direct one’s efforts or intentions toward a specific goal or target.

473. Aimed: Past tense of “aim,” indicating the direction or intention of an action.

474. Ainu: A group of indigenous people in Japan, often associated with the Hokkaido region.

475. Airbag: A safety device in vehicles that inflates rapidly in the event of a collision to protect passengers.

476. Aired: Past tense of “air,” to expose something to the open air; also refers to broadcasting on radio or television.

477. Ajar: Slightly open or partially opened; not completely closed.

478. Akash: A Sanskrit word meaning “ether” or “sky,” often used in philosophical and metaphysical contexts.

479. Akimbo: Standing with hands on hips and elbows turned outward; often used to describe a defiant or confrontational posture.

480. Alai: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

481. Alarm: A warning signal or device that alerts people to potential danger or an emergency.

482. Alas: An exclamation of sorrow, regret, or disappointment; often used to express lament.

483. Albino: A person or animal born with a congenital absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes.

484. Album: A collection of recorded music tracks; also refers to a book with blank pages for collecting photographs, artwork, or mementos.

485. Alcove: A recessed area in a room or space, often used for seating or displaying objects.

486. Alder: A type of tree commonly found in temperate regions; also refers to the wood of the alder tree.

487. Aldrin: The surname of Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, the astronaut who was the second person to walk on the moon.

488. Alert: Watchful, attentive, and prepared for potential danger or action.

489. Algae: Plural of “alga,” simple aquatic organisms that typically lack true roots, stems, and leaves.

490. Alias: An assumed name used to conceal one’s identity; also refers to a secondary name or title.

491. Alibi: A claim or piece of evidence that indicates a person was elsewhere at the time a crime was committed.

492. Alight: To descend or come down from a higher place; also refers to becoming illuminated or catching fire.

493. Align: To arrange or position something in a straight line; to coordinate or bring into agreement.

494. Alike: Similar in appearance, nature, or characteristics; in a similar manner.

495. Alive: Living, existing, or possessing life; active and energetic.

496. Allege: To claim or assert something without necessarily providing proof; to accuse someone of a crime.

497. Alley: A narrow passageway or street between buildings; also refers to a bowling lane.

498. Allot: To distribute or allocate something, such as time, money, or resources.

499. Allow: To permit or give permission for something to happen; to enable or authorize.

500. Alloy: A mixture of two or more metals or elements, often combined to enhance properties like strength or resistance.

501. Ally: A person, group, or country that cooperates or works together with another for a common purpose.

502. Alma Mater: Latin term for “nourishing mother,” often used to refer to the school or university one attended.

503. Almost: Nearly or very close to a particular condition, state, or quantity.

504. Alms: Charitable donations or gifts, typically given to those in need or less fortunate.

505. Aloft: Up in the air; above the ground or water; also refers to being in a state of excitement or high spirits.

506. Alone: Being by oneself; separate from others; without companionship.

507. Along: In a line or series; progressing or advancing in a particular direction.

508. Aloof: Distant, reserved, or emotionally detached from others.

509. Aloud: Spoken audibly or out loud; in a voice that can be heard.

510. Alpha: The first letter of the Greek alphabet; also refers to the first stage or beginning of something.

511. Already: Prior to a specified or implied time; by the present time.

512. Alter: To change, modify, or adjust something; to make variations or amendments.

513. Although: Despite the fact that; however; nevertheless.

514. Altitude: The height above a specific reference point, often the Earth’s surface.

515. Alto: A vocal or instrumental part with a range lower than a soprano but higher than a tenor; also refers to a musical pitch or range.

516. Alum: Short for “aluminum”; also refers to a graduate of a particular school or university.

517. Alumni: Plural of “alumnus” or “alumna,” referring to graduates or former students of an educational institution.

518. Always: At all times; continuously; without exception.

519. Amaze: To astonish, surprise, or fill with wonder; to leave someone greatly impressed or puzzled.

520. Amber: A yellowish-brown or orange color; also refers to a fossilized resin often used in jewelry.

521. Amend: To make corrections, revisions, or improvements to something; to alter for the better.

522. Amino: Pertaining to amino acids, which are organic compounds essential for protein synthesis in living organisms.

523. Amish: A religious and cultural group known for their simple lifestyle and traditional beliefs, often associated with plain clothing and non-technological practices.

524. Among: In the midst of; surrounded by; or included in a group.

525. Amour: French term for “love” or “romantic relationship”; often used to refer to a love affair or romance.

526. Ample: More than sufficient in size, quantity, or capacity; abundant.

527. Amplify: To increase the volume, intensity, or magnitude of something; to make something larger or more powerful.

528. Amuse: To entertain, delight, or make someone laugh or smile.

529. Analog: This refers to a continuous signal or device that represents data using a physical quantity (such as voltage or sound); often contrasted with digital.

530. Anchor: A heavy object used to secure a ship or boat to the bottom of a body of water; also refers to a central or stable point of reference.

531. Aboil: In a state of boiling or extreme excitement.

532. Abort: To terminate or stop a process or activity before it is completed; to cause an abortion or miscarriage.

533. Abuse: The improper or excessive use of something; the mistreatment, harm, or cruelty towards a person or animal.

534. Acorn: The small, nut-like seed of an oak tree; a symbol of potential and growth.

535. Adapt: To modify or adjust something to fit a new purpose or situation; to become adjusted or suited to different conditions.

536. Admin: Informal shortening of “administration,” often used in the context of managing or overseeing tasks or systems.

537. Admit: To confess, acknowledge, or allow entry or access to a place or event.

538. Admen: Plural of “adman,” referring to people who work in advertising or marketing.

539. Affix: To attach, fasten, or stick something to another object; also refers to prefixes and suffixes added to words to modify their meaning.

540. Agree: To have the same opinion, viewpoint, or understanding as someone else; to reach a consensus or come to an arrangement.

541. Ahead: In front or in advance of something; in the future; moving forward.

542. Album: A collection of recorded music tracks; also refers to a book with blank pages for collecting photographs, artwork, or mementos.

543. Alley: A narrow passageway or street between buildings; also refers to a bowling lane.

544. Allot: To distribute or allocate something, such as time, money, or resources.

545. Allow: To permit or give permission for something to happen; to enable or authorize.

546. Amate: An obsolete term for “amate paper,” a type of handmade paper often used in Mexican folk art.

547. Amaze: To astonish, surprise, or fill with wonder; to leave someone greatly impressed or puzzled.

548. Angel: A celestial being often depicted as a benevolent messenger or protector; a person of exceptional kindness or goodness.

549. Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure or annoyance usually triggered by a perceived offense or injustice.

550. Angle: A geometric figure formed by two lines or rays extending from a common point; also refers to a particular viewpoint or perspective.

551. Angry: Feeling strong displeasure or irritation; agitated or provoked by something.

552. Apple: A round fruit with crisp and juicy flesh, often associated with health and knowledge.

553. Apply: To put to use or implement; to request or submit an application for a job, school, or program.

554. Asset: Something valuable or beneficial that is owned or possessed; an advantage or resource.

555. Atlas: A collection of maps, charts, or geographical information; also refers to the uppermost vertebra of the spine.

556. Audio: Relating to sound, especially in terms of recording, reproduction, or transmission.

557. Await: To wait for or expect something; to be in anticipation of a particular event or outcome.

558. Awake: In a state of wakefulness or consciousness; not asleep.

559. Award: A prize, recognition, or honor given in recognition of achievement or excellence.

560. Aware: Having knowledge or understanding of a particular situation, fact, or concept.

561. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality; inspiring a strong feeling of fear, dread, or disgust.

562. Asher: A name with Hebrew origins, meaning “happy” or “blessed.”

563. Ashes: The residue left after something has burned; often associated with death or destruction.

564. Asian: Relating to the continent of Asia or people of Asian descent.

565. Aside: To one side; apart from the main subject; a theatrical convention where a character speaks to the audience but not to other characters.

566. Asked: Past tense of “ask,” meaning to pose a question or request information.

567. Aspen: A type of tree known for its quaking leaves; also, a city in Colorado, USA.

568. Assam: A state in northeastern India known for its tea production and rich culture.

569. Assay: To examine or analyze a substance to determine its composition or quality.

570. Asses: Plural form of “ass,” which can refer to a donkey or, informally, a person’s buttocks.

571. Asset: A valuable or useful thing or quality; often used in a financial context.

572. Atlas: A collection of maps or charts; also, the name of a Greek Titan who held up the heavens.

573. Atoms: The basic units of matter, composed of a nucleus and electrons.

574. Attic: The space below a roof and above the ceiling of a building; often used for storage.

575. Audio: Relating to sound or the sense of hearing; also, electronic signals representing sound.

576. Audit: An official examination of financial records or accounts.

577. Aunts: Plural of “aunt,” a sister of one’s parent.

578. Aunty: An informal term for “aunt,” often used affectionately.

579. Autos: Plural form of “auto,” short for “automobile.”

580. Avail: To be of use or advantage; to make use of something effectively.

581. Avant: A French term meaning “before” or “in front of”; often used in artistic or cultural contexts.

582. Avert: To prevent or turn away from; to avoid a potential danger or problem.

583. Avian: Relating to birds or bird-like characteristics.

584. Avoid: To keep away from or prevent contact with something; to refrain from doing something.

585. Await: To wait for or expect something to happen.

586. Awake: In a state of being conscious or not asleep.

587. Award: A prize or recognition given for achievement or excellence.

588. Aware: Having knowledge or awareness of something; being conscious of one’s surroundings.

589. Awful: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality.

590. Awoke: Past tense of “awake,” meaning to have come out of a state of sleep.

591. Axial: Relating to an axis, an imaginary line around which an object rotates.

592. Axiom: A self-evident or universally accepted truth; a fundamental principle.

593. Aztec: An ancient civilization that thrived in present-day Mexico; known for its advanced culture and architecture.

594. Azure: A bright blue color; also, a term used in heraldry to refer to the color blue.

595. Accuse: To charge someone with wrongdoing or a crime; to allege or assert that someone is at fault.

596. Acerb: Bitter or sour in taste; also used to describe a critical or sharp tone.

597. Acers: Plural form of “acer,” a Latin word meaning “maple,” often used in botanical names.

598. Aceta: A term without a widely recognized meaning.

599. Achar: A South Asian condiment made from pickled fruits or vegetables, often spicy and tangy.

600. Ached: Past tense of “ache,” to experience a dull or persistent pain.

In conclusion, these five-letter words that start with the letter “A” offer a glimpse into the richness and diversity of the English language.

From describing life’s vibrancy to expressing proficiency and value, these words are integral to effective communication and expression.

They remind us of the beauty of language and its ability to encapsulate complex ideas in succinct forms.

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