500 Animals That Start With E: Wild and Domestics
Embark on an exciting journey through the alphabet’s wildlife wonders! Get ready to explore the enchanting realm of animals that start with the letter E.
From the majestic Elephant to the soaring Eagle, and the elusive Echidna to the resilient Emperor Penguin, click on each to unveil their captivating stories and unique adaptations.
Let’s dive into this alphabet safari and discover the extraordinary animals that inhabit the ‘E’ zone!
Animals That Start With E
The diversity of the animal kingdom never ceases to amaze us. From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, every corner of the world is inhabited by fascinating creatures, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations.
In this exploration of the animal kingdom, we turn our attention to animals that start with the letter “E”.
From the depths of the ocean to the sprawling savannas, let’s delve into the extraordinary world of these “E” named animals.
1. Eagle
2. Eagle Ray
3. Eared Grebe
4. Earless Monitor Lizard
5. Earthworm
6. Earwig
7. East Siberian Laika
8. Eastern Barred Bandicoot
9. Eastern Bluebird
10. Eastern Box Turtle
11. Eastern Brown Snake
12. Eastern Chipmunk
13. Eastern Coral Snake
14. Eastern Cottontail
15. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
16. Eastern Dobsonfly
17. Eastern Fence Lizard
18. Eastern Glass Lizard
19. Eastern Gorilla
20. Eastern Gray Squirrel
21. Eastern Green Mamba
22. Eastern Hognose Snake
23. Eastern Indigo Snake
24. Eastern Kingbird
25. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
26. Eastern Meadowlark
27. Eastern Phoebe
28. Eastern Racer
29. Eastern Rat Snake
30. Eastern Tiger Snake
31. Eastern Turkey (Wild Turkey)
32. Eastern Woodrat
33. Echidna
34. Eclectus Parrot
35. Edible Frog
36. Eel
37. Eel catfish
38. Eelpout
39. Egret
40. Egyptian Cobra (Egyptian Asp)
41. Egyptian Goose
42. Egyptian Mau
43. Egyptian Tortoise
44. Egyptian Vulture
45. Eider
46. Eland
47. Elasmosaurus
48. Elasmotherium
49. Electric Catfish
50. Electric Eel
51. Elegant Tern
52. Elephant
53. Elephant Beetle
54. Elephant Bird
55. Elephant Fish
56. Elephant Seal
57. Elephant Shrew
58. Eagle
59. Eartheater
60. Earthworm
61. Earwig
62. Eastern Gorilla
63. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
64. Echidna
65. Edible Frog
66. Egyptian Mau
67. Eelpout
68. Electric Eel
69. Eft
70. Egret
71. Eider
72. Eland
73. Elepaio
74. Elephant
75. Elephant Seal
76. Elephant Shrew
77. Elk
78. Emperor Penguin
79. Emperor Tamarin
80. Emu
81. English Cocker Spaniel
82. English Shepherd
83. English Springer Spaniel
84. Entlebucher Mountain Dog
85. Epagneul Pont Audemer
86. Ermine
87. Escolar
88. Eskimo Dog
89. Estrela Mountain Dog
90. Eulachon
91. Euro
92. Elf Owl
93. Elk
94. Ember Tetra
95. Embolotherium
96. Emerald Toucanet
97. Emerald Tree Boa
98. Emerald Tree Monitor
99. Emperor Angelfish
100. Emperor Goose
101. Emperor Penguin
102. Emperor Tamarin
103. Emu
104. Enchi Ball Python
105. English Bulldog
106. English Cocker Spaniel
107. English Cream Golden Retriever
108. English Crested Guinea Pig
- Animals That Start With N
- 800 Words that start with Q
- 500+ Words That Start With N
- 500 Useful and Positive Words That Start With E
Wild Animals that Start with E
109. English Foxhound
110. English Longhorn Cattle
111. English Pointer
112. English Setter
113. English Shepherd
114. English Springer Spaniel
115. English Toy Terrier
116. Entlebucher Mountain Dog
117. Epagneul Pont Audemer
118. Epicyon haydeni
119. Epidexipteryx
120. Equatorial Spitting Cobra
121. Equus giganteus
122. Ermine
123. Eryops
124. Escolar
125. Eskimo Dog
126. Eskipoo
127. Estrela Mountain Dog
128. Euoplocephalus
129. Eurasian Beaver
130. Eurasian Bullfinch
131. Eurasian Collared Dove
132. Eurasian Eagle-owl
133. Eurasian Jay
134. Eurasian Lynx
135. Eurasian Nuthatch
136. Eurasian Sparrowhawk
137. Eurasian Wolf
138. Eurasier
139. European Bee-Eater
140. European Corn Borer
141. European Goldfinch
142 European Polecat
143. European Robin
144. European Starling
145. European Wildcat
Domestic Animals Beginning with E
146. Eurypterus
147. Evening Bat
148. Evening Grosbeak
149 Executioner Wasp
150. Eyelash Viper
151. Eagle
152. Echidna
153. Eel
154. Eland
155. Elephant
156. Elk
157. Emu
158. Ermine
159. Eurasian Lynx
160. European Bison
161. European Wildcat
162. Eyelash Viper
163. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
164. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
165. Egyptian Mongoose
166. Emerald Tree Boa
167. Emperor Penguin
168. Ethiopian Wolf
169. Eurasian Brown Bear
170. Eastern Chipmunk
171. Emu
172. English Setter
173. European Shorthair
174. Egyptian Mau
175. Exotic Shorthair
176. East Friesian Sheep
177. English Mastiff
178. Estrela Mountain Dog
179. Egyptian Donkey
180. English Cocker Spaniel
181. Entlebucher Mountain Dog
182. Ewes
183. Essex Pig
184. Embden Goose
185. Exmoor Pony
186. Eager Beaver
187. English Toy Spaniel
188. East Balkan Pig
189. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
190. English Lop Rabbit
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with E
191. Eagle Ray
192. Eel
193. Electric Eel
194. Elephant Seal
195. Emperor Angelfish
196. Emperor Shrimp
197. Emu Sea Star
198. Enypniastes Sea Cucumber
199. Epigonichthys Lanternfish
200. Escolar Fish
201. Estuarine Crocodile
202. European Eel
203. Enormous squid
204. Electric ray
205. Eastern Pacific green sea turtle
206. Emerald crab
207. Emerald damselfish
208. European hake
209. European plaice
210. European anchovy
211. Epaulette shark
212. Eastern cleaner-clingfish
213. Eastern oyster
214. Elkhorn coral
215. Elegant tern
216. Elephant fish
217. Escargot sea snail
218. Estuary stingray
219. Eel
220. Eartheater
221. Eelpout
222. Escolar
223. Eulachon
224. Eagle ray
225. Eared blacksmelt
226. Eared conger
227. Eared maori wrasse
228. Earle’s soldierfish
229. Earle’s splitfin
230. Earspot cusk eel
231. Earspot snakeblenny
232. Earthworm snake-eel
233. East african red finned barb
234. East african sardinella
235. East African skate
236. East Asian fourfinger threadfin
237. East China leg skate
238. East Coast barb
239. East coast crocodilefish
240. East coast flounder
241. Eastcoast lampeye
242. Eastcoast squeaker
243. Easter damselfish
244. Easter island flyingfish
245. Eastern Australian blackhead triplefin
246. Eastern Australian legskate
247. Eastern banded catshark
248. Eastern blue devil
249. Eastern bottlenose mormyrid
250. Eastern bream
251. Eastern Cape redfin
252. Eastern cleaner-clingfish
253. Eastern clingfish
254. Eastern crested loach
255. Eastern flower porgy
256. Eastern footballer
257. Eastern highfin spurdog
258. Eastern hulafish
259. Easter island moray
260. Eastern jumping blenny
261. Eastern keelback mullet
262. Eastern keelback mullet
263. Eastern keelback mullet
264. Eastern kelpfish
265. Eastern little galaxias
266. Eastern longnose spurdog
267. Eastern looseskin skate
268. Eastern mogurnda
269. Eastern mosquitofish
270. Eastern numbfish
271. Eastern Pacific bonito
272. Eastern Pacific flagfin
273. Eastern paradise fish
274. Eastern paradise fish
275. Eastern pomfred
276. Eastern rainbow fish
277. Eastern river garfish
278. Eastern sand darter
279. Eastern school shark
280. Eastern shovelnose ray
Domestic Animals Beginning with E
281. Eastern shovelnose stingaree
282. Eastern silvery minnow
283. Eastern smooth boxfish
284. Eastern spiny gurnard
285. Eastern spiny seahorse
286. Eastern spotted gummy shark
287. Eastern starhead topminnow
288. Eastern triangular butterflyfish
289. Eaton’s skate
290. Ebeling’s fangjaw
291. Ebony gregory
292. Eclipse parrotfish
293. Ectuntio halfbeak
294. Ecuador skate
295. Ecuatorial ray
296. Edgbaston goby
297. Edmondson’s pipefish
298. Edmund’s spurdog
299. Edwards Plateau shiner
300. Eel blenny
301. Eel catfish
302. Eel pearlfish
303. Eel sucker
304. Eel worm goby
305. Eelgrass blenny
306. Egg-mimic darter
307. Eggcarrying buntingi
308. Eggvin lumpsucker
309. Ego zebra
310. Egyptian mouth-brooder
311. Egyptian sole
312. Ehrenberg’s snapper
313. Eigenmann’s anchovy
314. Eight-lined wrasse
315. Eight-whisker gudgeon
316. Eightband butterflyfish
317. Eightbanded cichlid
318. Eightbarbel gudgeon
319. Eightbarbel loach
320. Eightfinger threadfin
321. Eightgill hagfish
322. Eightspine cardinalfish
323. Ejagham killi
324. Elastic eel
325. Elat electric ray
326. Electric blue kande
327. Electric catfish
328. Electric numb ray
329. Electric ray
330. Electron subantarctic
331. Elegant clingfish
332. Elegant coris
333. Elegant corydoras
334. Elegant firefish
335. Elegant madtom
336. Elegant molly
337. Elegant moray
338. Elegant paradiseus fish
339. Elegant pencilfish
340. Elegant pipefish
341. Elegant unicornfish
342. Elegant wrasse
343. Elephant ear gourami
343. Elephant fish
344. Elephant trunk fish
345. Elephant-nose cichlid
346. Elephant-trunk mormyrid
347. Elephantnose fish
348. Elephant-snout fish
349. Elizabeth reef jawfish
350. Elizabeth Springs goby
351. Elk River darter
352. Elliot’s cardinalfish
353. Elliot’s filefish
354. Elongate anchovy
355. Elongate blenny
356. Emperor Angelfish
357. Emperor cichlid
358. Emperor red snapper
359. Emperor seamount lightfish
360. Empire gudgeon
361. Emporer Tetra
362. Endeavor dogfish
363. Endeavour skate
364. English sole
365. Englishman seabream
366. Engraved catfish
367. Enigmatic goby
368. Enigmatic loach
369. Enigmatic moray
370. Enzeli shad
371. Epaulet grouper
372. Epaulette goby
373. Epaulette surgeonfish
374. Erect goby
375. Eremo skate
376. Eritrean butterflyfish
377. Erythrops goby
378. Escherich’s killi
379. Eschmeyer’s scorpionfish
380. Esei lake char
381. Estuarine glass perchlet
382. Estuarine hardyhead
383. Estuarine perch
384. Estuarine sea catfish
385. Estuarine stonefish
386. Estuarine thryssa
387. Estuarine triplefin
388. Estuary cardinalfish
389. Estuary croaker
390. Estuary goby
391. Estuary perch
392. Estuary perchlet
393. Estuary snake eel
394. Estuary sole
395. Estuary stargazer
396. Ethiopia barb
397. Etowah darter
398. Eucla cod
399. Eurasian catfish
400. European anchovy
401. European brook lamprey
402. European bullhead
403. European conger
404. European finless eel
405. European flounder
406. European ling
407. European pilchard
408. European plaice
409. European pollock
410. European seabass
411. European smelt
412. European sprat
413. European sturgeon
414. Eventooth shark
415. Everglades pygmy sunfish
416. Evermann’s cardinalfish
417. Evermann’s conger
418. Evermann’s lantern fish
419. Exquisite pygmy goby
420. Exquisite rainbowfish
Mammals that Start with E
421. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
422. Echidna
423. Egyptian Fruit Bat
424. Elephant
425. Elk
426. Emu
427. Eurasian Beaver
428. Eurasian Lynx
429. European Badger
430. European Bison
431. European Hedgehog
432. European Otter
433. Evening Bat
434. Echidna
435. Eland
436. Elephant
437. Elk
438. Ermine
439. Euro (aka Wallaroo)
440. Eared Seal
441. Ear-spot squirrel
442. Eared hutia
443. Earless water rat
444. Earth-colored mouse
445. East African epauletted fruit bat
446. East African little collared fruit bat
447. East African long-eared elephant shrew
448. East African mole rat
449. East Caucasian tur
450. Eastern barbastelle
451. Eastern barred bandicoot
452. Eastern chestnut mouse
453. Eastern chipmunk
454. Eastern cottontail
455. Eastern European hedgehog
456. Eastern fox squirrel
457. Eastern gray kangaroo
458. Eastern gray squirrel
459. Eastern hare-wallaby
460. Eastern heather vole
461. Eastern hog-nosed skunk
462. Eastern little mastiff bat
463. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
464. Eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus)
465. Eastern pipistrelle
466. Eastern pygmy possum
467. Eastern quoll
468. Eastern rat
469. Eastern rock elephant shrew
470. Eastern roe deer
471. Eastern shrew mouse
472. Eastern small-footed myotis
473. Eastern small-toothed rat
474. Eastern spotted skunk
475. Eastern white-eared giant rat
476. Eastern woodrat
477. Echigo mole
478. Ecuador fish-eating rat
479. Ecuadoran spiny rat
480. Ecuadorean grass mouse
481. Ecuadorean rice rat
482. Ecuadorean small-eared shrew
483. Ecuadorian sac-winged bat
484. Edith’s leaf-eared mouse
485. Edward’s swamp rat
486. Edwards’s long-clawed mouse
487. Edwards’s long-tailed giant rat
488. ega long-tongued bat
489. Egyptian free-tailed bat
490. Egyptian mongoose
491. Egyptian pygmy shrew
492. Egyptian slit-faced bat
493. Egyptian tomb bat
494. Eisentraut’s mouse shrew
495. Eisentraut’s shrew
496. Eisentraut’s striped mouse
497. El Carrizo deer mouse
498. El Dorado grass mouse
499. Eld’s deer
500. European wildcat
The animal kingdom is a treasure trove of diversity, and the animals that start with the letter “E” certainly contribute to this richness.
From the powerful elephant to the elusive echidna, each creature plays a unique role in its ecosystem and captivates our imagination with its remarkable adaptations.
As we continue to learn about and appreciate these animals, let’s also remember our responsibility to protect and conserve their habitats for generations to come.