5 Letter Words That Start With U and Their Meanings
Welcome to a fascinating exploration of 5-letter words that kick off with the letter “U.” As we delve into this collection, you’ll discover a number of words, each with its own unique charm and significance.
Whether you’re a crossword enthusiast, Scrabble aficionado, or simply someone curious about the English language, join us on this lexical journey.
5 Letter Words That Start With U
1. Ubacs: Plural of “ubac,” a French term referring to the north-facing side of a mountain or slope.
2. Ubity: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a proper noun.
3. Udals: Plural of “udal,” a term used in Scottish law referring to hereditary property rights.
4. Udder: The mammary gland of a female mammal, especially a cow, where milk is produced.
5. Udons: Plural of “udon,” a type of thick wheat noodle commonly used in Japanese cuisine.
6. Udyog: An Indian term referring to industry or business.
7. Ugali: A type of porridge or staple food made from maize flour, often consumed in East Africa.
8. Ugged: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
9. Uhlan: A lancer, typically referring to a type of Polish or German cavalry soldier armed with a lance.
10. Uhuru: A Swahili word meaning “freedom,” often used in political or social contexts.
11. Ukase: A Russian term for a proclamation or decree issued by a czar or other authority.
12. Ulama: A group of religious scholars or theologians in Islam, often knowledgeable in Islamic jurisprudence.
13. Ulans: Plural of “ulan,” a type of lancer in Polish or German cavalry units.
14. Ulcer: A sore or open wound on the skin or mucous membrane, often with inflamed tissue.
15. Ulema: Plural of “alim” or “ulema,” referring to a body of Muslim scholars or clergy.
16. Ulmin: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
17. Ulmos: Plural of “ulmo,” a type of tree found in South America.
18. Ulnad: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
19. Ulnae: Plural of “ulna,” one of the two bones in the forearm.
20. Ulnar: Relating to or located near the ulna bone in the forearm.
21. Ulnas: Plural of “ulna,” one of the two bones in the forearm.
22. Ulpan: A Hebrew language school or program for immigrants to Israel.
23. Ultra: Beyond or extremely, often used as a prefix to describe something as beyond the norm or extreme.
24. Ulvas: Plural of “ulva,” a type of green seaweed.
25. Ulyie: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
26. Ulzie: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
27. Umami: A taste sensation characterized by a savory or meaty flavor, often considered one of the basic tastes alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.
28. Umbel: A type of flat-topped or umbrella-like flower cluster, often seen in certain plants like the carrot.
29. Umber: A brownish color or pigment often used in art.
30. Umble: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
31. Umbo: The central boss or knob on a shield or the raised central area of a mushroom cap.
32. Umbos: Plural of “umbo,” the central boss or knob on a shield or the raised central area of a mushroom cap.
33. Umbra: The fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, often used in astronomy.
34. Umbre: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
35. Umiac: A type of boat or kayak used by indigenous people in the Arctic regions.
36. Umiak: A type of large open boat used by indigenous people in the Arctic, typically powered by paddles.
37. Umiaq: An alternative spelling of “umiak,” a type of large open boat used by indigenous people in the Arctic.
38. Ummah: An Arabic term referring to the global community of Muslims.
39. Ummas: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
40. Ummed: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
41. Umped: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
42. Umphs: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
43. Umpie: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
44. Umpty: An informal term often used to describe an indefinite or unspecified number or amount.
45. Umrah: A pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims, typically outside of the Hajj season.
46. Umras: Plural of “umrah,” referring to multiple pilgrimages to Mecca.
47. Unagi: A Japanese term for freshwater eel, often used in sushi dishes.
48. Unais: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
49. Unapt: Not suitable or inclined for a particular purpose or task.
50. Unarm: To disarm or remove weapons or armor from someone or something.
51. Unary: Relating to or based on the number one or having a single component.
55. Unaus: Plural of “unaus,” which does not appear to be a standard English word.
53. Unbag: To remove or take something out of a bag.
54. Unban: To lift a ban or prohibition, allowing something that was previously prohibited.
55. Unbar: To remove a bar or obstacle, often allowing access or passage.
56. Unbed: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
57. Unbid: Not invited or not having received an invitation.
58. Unbox: To remove something from a box or packaging.
59. Uncap: To remove or loosen the cap or cover from something.
60. Unces: Plural of “unce,” a unit of weight used in some countries, equal to 1/16 of a pound.
61. Uncia: A genus of wild cats, including the snow leopard and clouded leopard.
62. Uncle: The brother of one’s parent or a term of address for an older man.
63. Uncos: Plural of “unco,” which does not appear to be a standard English word.
64. Uncoy: Not shy or reserved, often used to describe behavior that is not modest or demure.
65. Uncus: A part of the brain, specifically a curved process on the hippocampus.
66. Uncut: Not cut or trimmed, often used to describe things in their natural or original state.
67. Undam: To remove a dam or barrier, often allowing the free flow of water.
68. Undee: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
69. Under: Beneath or below something, often used to describe position or location.
70. Undid: Past tense of “undo,” meaning to reverse or cancel an action.
71. Undos: Plural of “undo,” meaning to reverse or cancel actions.
72. Undue: Excessive or unwarranted, often used to describe influence or advantage.
73. Undug: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
74. Uneth: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
75. Unfed: Not fed or not having received food.
76. Unfit: Not suitable or physically capable, often used to describe a person’s health or abilities.
77. Unfix: To make something not fixed or permanent, often used in the context of attachments or repairs.
78. Ungag: To remove a gag or restraint from someone’s mouth.
79. Unget: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
80. Ungod: Lacking godly or divine qualities, often used to describe behavior or beliefs.
81. Ungot: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
82. Ungum: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
83. Unhat: To remove a hat from one’s head.
84. Unhip: Not fashionable or not in tune with the latest trends, often used to describe someone’s cultural awareness.
85. Unica: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
86. Unify: To bring together or make one, often used in the context of merging or uniting.
87. Union: The act of joining or combining things into a single entity, or an organized association or group of workers.
88. Unios: Plural of “unio,” a type of freshwater mussel.
89. Unite: To join together or combine, often used in the context of people, organizations, or efforts.
90. Units: Plural of “unit,” referring to individual components or entities.
91. Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole, often used to describe harmony or togetherness.
92. Unjam: To remove a jam or obstruction, often used in the context of machinery or traffic.
93. Unked: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
94. Unket: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
95. Unkey: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
96. Unkid: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
97. Unkut: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
98. Unlap: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
99. Unlaw: Not in accordance with the law or illegal.
100. Unlay: To undo or untwist a rope or cord.
101. Unled: Not led or guided by someone or something.
102. Unleg: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
103. Unlet: Not rented or occupied, often used to describe a property that is available for rent.
104. Unlid: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
105. Unlit: Not illuminated or not on fire, often used to describe a dark or unlit space.
106. Unmad: Not made mad or insane.
107. Unman: To deprive someone of their manhood or courage, or to weaken or dishearten.
108. Unmet: Not met or encountered, often used to describe expectations that have not been fulfilled.
109. Unmew: To release or free from confinement or enclosure, often used in the context of birds.
110. Unmix: To undo or reverse the mixing of something, often used in the context of substances.
111. Unode: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
112. Unold: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
113. Unown: Not known or not having knowledge of something.
114. Unpay: To refuse or fail to pay, often used in the context of debts or obligations.
115. Unpeg: To remove or dislodge a peg or pin from something.
116. Unpen: To release or set free from confinement, often used in the context of animals.
117. Unpin: To remove or take out a pin or fastening device from something.
118. Unply: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
119. Unpot: To remove something from a pot or container.
120. Unput: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
121. Unred: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
122. Unrid: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
123. Unrig: To dismantle or disassemble the rigging or equipment of a ship or structure.
124. Unrip: To undo or cut open a seam or fastening, often used in the context of fabric or packaging.
125. Unsaw: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
126. Unsay: To retract or take back something said, often used to correct a statement.
127. Unsee: To fail to see or notice something, often used in the context of overlooking or missing details.
128. Unset: To disturb or upset the set or arrangement of something.
129. Unsew: To undo or remove stitches or sewing from fabric or material.
130. Unsex: To deprive of gender or sexual characteristics, often used in a metaphorical sense.
- 5 Letter Words That Start With T
- Words That Start With F
- Words That Start With B
- 5 Letter Words That Start With E
Positive 5 Letter Words That Start With U
131. Unsod: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
132. Unsub: An abbreviation for “unsubscribe,” often used in the context of opting out of a mailing list or service.
133. Untag: To remove or unmark a tag or label from something or someone.
134. Untax: To remove or reduce taxes on something, often used in a financial context.
135. Untie: To undo or loosen a knot or tie in a rope, cord, or similar material.
136. Until: Up to the point in time or the event mentioned.
137. Untin: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
138. Unwed: Not married or not having a spouse, often used to describe unmarried individuals.
139. Unwet: Not wet or moist, often used to describe dryness.
140. Unwit: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
141. Unwon: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
142. Unzip: To open or extract the contents of a zipper or a compressed file.
143. Upbow: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
144. Upbye: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
145. Updos: Plural of “updo,” a hairstyle in which the hair is arranged and fastened on top of the head.
146. Updry: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
147. Upend: To turn something upside down or reverse its position.
148. Upful: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
149. Upjet: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
150. Uplay: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
151. Upled: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
152. Uplit: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
153. Upped: The past tense of “up,” meaning to increase or raise something.
154. Upper: Situated above or higher in position, often used to describe an upper level or part.
155. Upran: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
156. Uprun: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
157. Upsee: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
158. Upset: To disturb or unsettle, often used to describe emotional distress or overturning something.
159. Upsey: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
160. Uptak: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
161. Upter: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
162. Uptie: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
163. Uraei: Plural of “uraeus,” an ancient Egyptian symbol of a rearing cobra often used as a symbol of sovereignty and protection.
164. Urali: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
165. Uraos: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
166. Urare: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
167. Urari: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
168. Urase: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
169. Urate: A salt or ester of uric acid, often found in urine and tissues.
170. Urban: Relating to or characteristic of a city or urban area.
171. Urbex: An abbreviation for “urban exploration,” often used to describe the exploration of abandoned or off-limits urban spaces.
172. Urbia: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
173. Urdee: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
174. Ureal: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
175. Ureas: Plural of “urea,” a compound found in urine and used in various industrial processes.
176. Uredo: A type of fungal spore often involved in plant diseases.
177. Ureic: Relating to or containing urea, a nitrogenous compound found in urine.
178. Ureid: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
179. Urena: A genus of flowering plants in the mallow family.
180. Urent: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
181. Urged: Past tense of “urge,” meaning to strongly advise or encourage someone to do something.
182. Urger: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
183. Urges: Plural of “urge,” meaning strong desires or motivations.
184. Urial: A type of wild sheep found in Central Asia.
185. Urine: The liquid waste product excreted by the kidneys and expelled from the body.
186. Urite: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
187. Urman: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
188. Urnal: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
189. Urned: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
190. Urped: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
191. Ursae: Plural of “ursa,” a genus of bears.
192. Ursid: Relating to or characteristic of bears or the family Ursidae.
193. Urson: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
194. Urubu: A type of vulture found in South America.
195. Urupa: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
196. Urvas: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
197. Usage: The act of using something or the way something is used.
198. Usens: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
199. Users: Plural of “user,” referring to individuals who utilize or operate something.
200. Useta: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
201. Usher: A person who shows people to their seats or guides them in a public place.
202. Using: The act of utilizing or employing something.
203. Usnea: A type of lichen commonly found on trees and rocks.
204. Usnic: Relating to or derived from usnic acid, a compound found in lichens.
205. Usque: A type of Irish whiskey or spirit.
206. Ustad: An honorific title for a highly skilled or respected artist or musician.
207. Uster: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
208. Usual: Common or typical, often used to describe something that is expected or customary.
209. Usure: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
210. Usurp: To seize or take over power or authority unlawfully.
211. Usury: The illegal or unethical practice of charging excessive interest on loans.
212. Uteri: Plural of “uterus,” the organ in female mammals where fertilized eggs develop into fetuses.
213. Utero: This does not appear to be a standard English word. It might be a specialized term or a variation.
214. Utile: Useful or beneficial, often used to describe something that serves a practical purpose.
215. Utter: To speak or articulate words or sounds, often used to emphasize the completeness or extremeness of an action.
216. Uveal: Relating to the uvea, the middle layer of the eye that includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.
217. Uveas: Plural of “uvea,” the middle layer of the eye.
218. Uvula: The fleshy, cone-shaped tissue that hangs down at the back of the throat.
219. Ulcer: A sore on the skin or a mucous membrane, often with inflammation.
220. Ultra: Beyond or surpassing a certain degree or limit, often used to describe something extreme or exceptional.
221. Uncle: The brother of one’s parent, or a male relative in an older generation.
222. Uncut: Not cut or trimmed, often used to describe things in their natural or original state.
223. Under: Beneath or below something, often used to describe position or location.
224. Undue: Excessive or unwarranted, often used to describe influence or advantage.
225. Unfit: Not suitable or physically capable, often used to describe a person’s health or abilities.
226. Unify: To bring together or make one, often used in the context of merging or uniting.
227. Union: The act of joining or combining things into a single entity, or an organized association or group of workers.
228. Unite: To join together or combine, often used in the context of people, organizations, or efforts.
229. Units: Plural of “unit,” referring to individual components or entities.
230. Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole, often used to describe harmony or togetherness.
231. Until: Up to the point in time or the event mentioned.
232. Upped: The past tense of “up,” meaning to increase or raise something.
233. Upper: Situated above or higher in position, often used to describe an upper level or part.
234. Upset: To disturb or unsettle, often used to describe emotional distress or overturning something.
235. Urban: Relating to or characteristic of a city or urban area.
236. Urged: Past tense of “urge,” meaning to strongly advise or encourage someone to do something.
237. Urges: Plural of “urge,” meaning strong desires or motivations.
238. Urine: The liquid waste product excreted by the kidneys and expelled from the body.
239. Usage: The act of using something or the way something is used.
240. Users: Plural of “user,” referring to individuals who utilize or operate something.
241. Usher: A person who shows people to their seats or guides them in a public place.
242. Using: The act of utilizing or employing something.
243. Usual: Common or typical, often used to describe something that is expected or customary.
244. Utter: To speak or articulate words or sounds, often used to emphasize the completeness or extremeness of an action.
We’ve embarked on a brief but enriching odyssey through the realm of 5-letter words that begin with “U.” From the every day to the obscure, these words reflect the diverse tapestry of human expression.
So, whether you’re unearthing hidden gems for word games or expanding your vocabulary, remember that the world of words is vast and endlessly captivating.